Reviews for Silvaze Stories
david spade chapter 1 . 2/19
hmmmm interesting but what the fuckkkkkkkkkk
ScarletHunter chapter 3 . 1/11/2015
Loved your story really touched my heart especiy the thrid chapter. So cute
I. lovitall Gal chapter 3 . 8/9/2014
This poem is so sweet! How could I not love it all?
Ember The Flame Guardian chapter 2 . 9/1/2013
I've never played 06, but I'll assume this is Blaze's commentary on the last part.

Good job nonetheless.
Ember The Flame Guardian chapter 1 . 9/1/2013
The ending of 06 put into a story's continuation.

Eh, I give it a 8 for length.
Rougethebat11 chapter 1 . 5/24/2013
awww... sad! But I want to read what happens next!
Silvaze follower chapter 1 . 1/28/2013
The original version of this scene makes me cry every time. This...well this recaptures that perfectly.
Guest chapter 3 . 11/3/2012
Beautifulllll! I wanted to cry! I WANTED, but my tears didn't come!
Guest chapter 2 . 8/30/2012
every time i watch the end of silver's story i start crying because of this(i'm even holding bacj tears as i read this again)great job man great job;(*sniif*
BlueDragonSpirit6 chapter 1 . 7/5/2012
Omg that soooooo sad :,( I'm legit crying. Especially at the that Blaze or what im sad and confused oh we' bad for me:(. It was an awesome story though I like to look on the bright side of things!
scottywotsit chapter 1 . 7/4/2012
Ack! Oh dear God, I'm an ultimate sucker for ANYTHING - absolutely ANYTHING - that has something to do with a SILVAZE romance! And the way you had Silver yelling at the sun in the sky made me think at first that the sealing of Iblis into Blaze's soul didn't work! That was really effective! Anyway, so YAH! Great story/drabble/thingy! K.I.U!