Reviews for A Little Bit of Teamwork Goes a Long Way
Guest chapter 1 . 2/19/2017
Hey don't you think they should have made the human descendant of penelope pussycat to meet the human descendant of Pepe le pew and fell in love with him but too make it more funny would be if Fleur went to join the team to meet Pierre let pew even if it was a battle but she would fall in love with him just like there ancestors would
SaltyPerson chapter 30 . 7/19/2015
Finally! A story where the OCs don't take up most of the story and where acexi doesn't happen in an instant. That was cheesy yet tolerable and loved it! Pierre and Fleur's relationship was a humorous touch xD Now to read the Challenge!
Gomenasuii chapter 30 . 3/28/2015
"I.. I.. H-how could you mess my insides like that so easily?" Gomenasuii asked while feeling a strange emotion. The person across him gave an amused smile while typing away on the keyboard.

Oh meh gawd meh tummeh ain't seem te werk anymior. You have caught my attention and I have so much to say. I was super affected by your stories and the ending made my day lovely! But to make this short I want you to keep up the way you write your story. Please I felt so much emotion and felt a lot of Suprise! Gonna keep this short so BYE! _
ilvbrownies chapter 30 . 2/17/2014
I would have to compare your story to one of those sweet dessert cheeses, a little bit sweet, a little bit salty, smooth, and very cheesy.

Keep up the good work.
ilvbrownies chapter 17 . 2/17/2014
Like wow intrigue. Totally unexpected
NightFuryx chapter 1 . 10/6/2012
what animal is Fleur is
GoddessGlitter chapter 30 . 9/21/2012
I have just started reading your story. I am enjoying it so much especially the last chapter I have a huge weakness for acexi and I love that duck has his other side shown in it. I hope this story goes on and on I will read it any day. Keep up the awesome work
PurpleSparkles :)
Loonaticslover13 chapter 30 . 9/16/2012
Aww, it's over! Loved the Acexi, (i think i love pretty much anything related to them...yea, my obbsession's really bad XD) it was really sweet. Personally, I didn't think it was cheesey and even if it was, that's a good thing, because I (and Speedy Gonzales ;)) love cheese! lol XD Well, I hope you write more Loonatics stories, because this one was AWESOME!

Loonatics Lover13
mimoo01 chapter 30 . 9/16/2012
I'm sorry for the late review I've been busy. Awwwhh Ace and Lexi are finally together now! The chapter wasn't cheesy at all it was very romantic,warm, adorable and best of all spectular! The song was perfect for the moment! The perfect bunnies are together!
What a fanstatic way to end the story! XD
Angel of Light 867 chapter 30 . 9/15/2012
Aww, this is the last chapter. The chapter ended great that the characters are not missed, it was great that ace and Lexi loved each other.
Angel of Light 867 chapter 29 . 9/8/2012
Nice chapter, it's time for the croc king to go to jail. Its also time for the loonatics and the girls to seperate and leave. It was cool that fleur to let Miranda stay.
mimoo01 chapter 29 . 9/8/2012
Awwwhh such a sweet ending for the story! At least Miranda is temporally back in the team!
The action was spectular with the Croc King being smashed by the ice blocks! Justice is served the hard way!
That was an adorable way for Tech to ask Quinn out through the red heart/hologram! We have candy man wait candy coyote. :D
Yes Lexu has somebody to talk to her secrets that understands with Andrea!
Wonderful way to end the chapter! XD
words-with-dragons chapter 29 . 9/8/2012
Aw, this was sweet and sad because they had to say goodbye but they did it so sweetly! - They can always visit each other. Well, I'm also a bit sad that the story's going to be over soon, and I think there might be one more couple that needs to come together (ya know who i'm talking about)...hinthintnudgenudge. But ya know, whatever ya do I'm gonna LOVE IT!
elizabethlk chapter 29 . 9/8/2012
so cute keep posting chapters
Angel of Light 867 chapter 28 . 8/26/2012
Sorry for being, I was busy. It was a great chapter for the battle and for irene being captured. It was great for Michelle to come back to fight. Now the croc king has ran away, and the ducks has gone missing again to go after the croc king. What happen to Pierre, did he go after the king or stay with fleur?
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