Reviews for The Forgotten
Azure Shine chapter 4 . 12/3/2019
ahhh more.
GalaxyOfPi chapter 4 . 8/20/2019
Hey, I just read this and wanted to say that I love it! I'm really excited to see what will happen, and even though its been a while, I really hope that you'll update it again. I love the description and the angst and I think how you describe Sirius's feelings of regret and guilt with his brother is perfectly written and well done. I love the fast pacing, none of it feels slow and everything feels so in character. I am really hoping to be able to read what happens next even though it's been several years, so I hope that you may update this again, and thank you for writing such a great story!
Guest chapter 4 . 5/12/2018
is this the last chapter? if not when is the net coming out? this is so good like this is my 3rd time reading it. u really have the talent to make up story's from harry potter. i hope u make more like this!
also im not old enough to reveal my name sooo... yeah

beachgal chapter 4 . 3/28/2018
I hope you continue this story... You write well, and this is an intriguing plot...
JAMESnSIRIUSForever chapter 4 . 2/23/2018
Oh this is wonderful. Regulus going back to Sirius is my favorite trope ever. Please, please continue.
wildFlo chapter 4 . 12/5/2017
Great story so far! Please continue this, I want to see how you resolve the brothers’ problems with each other and honestly
I just haven’t got enough of Reg XD
Weasleys witch chapter 4 . 3/22/2017
I'm so pleased that James married lily not only is
She a gorgeous redhead but compassionate caring
Insightful and so very loving plus she's right Sirius
Did betray regulus not the other way around yet
I'm wishing that it's not to late for either of them
To become proper brothers their
Going to have to fight repulsive death eaters whom
Weren't brave enough to betray Voldemort unlike
Regulus did a flawed hero yes but a an
Exceptional writer thanking skinner
Weasels witch chapter 3 . 3/22/2017
I never wanted James to fall before those slimy icky
Venomous snakes so I'm hoping they save him as well
As regulus although Sirius concern for his brother is
Very hypocritical he never cared about him while
Regulus was at hog warts he reviled him in front of
Other students totally unforgivable. Still if they do
Save regulus all will be forgive if he lives I can be
So ruthless when my favourites are
Inspirational and great story deserves awards and
Accolades skinner
Weasleys witch chapter 2 . 3/22/2017
This wonderful story just keeps on getting lots
More better as James also has to apologise to
Regulus and mean every word he says I'm not
Kidding either. Luckily regulus survives he's too
Young to die in my biased opinion plus he deserves
To live love and laugh as well for a long time his
Childhood. Was stolen from agree that James
And Sirius friendship was strong yet they both turned
On regulus like vicious wolves wrong so
Creativityis skinner
Weasels witch chapter 1 . 3/22/2017
I'm loving the fact that Sirius is going to atone for
Being such a viciously cruel vindictive brother to
Regulus about time he has so much to prove,so
Regulus was foolish enough to become a death
Eater we all,make mistakes yet we don't rip any
Family to shreds that's inhumanity .however I love
Regulus he was the underdog plus extendable I'm
Really hating the word and tormented by every
Marauder yet your brilliance comes through like
A shining comet skinner
Guest chapter 4 . 1/13/2017
Please do not abandon this. I would really like to see more.
SilverRapier chapter 4 . 12/31/2016
Oh my goodness, I love this book! Love the plotline. Please update!
Linda Willows chapter 4 . 6/18/2016
Okay. Before I rant on this story, let me clear up one thing first: I am NOT, I repeat, NOT ANNOYING! If anything, that title goes to my oh so dear twin, Gerda. It's not my fault if she's BORING and has an unhealthy obsession with books! There. Now moving on: OMG, I LOVE this story so much! I keep checking everyday, hoping that you updated, but I always end up saying, NOOOOO! Seriously, you HAVE to update. If only for the sake of my poor heart! Please?
Hoping to see an update,
Gerda Willows-who-is-NOT-annoying!
Gerda Willows chapter 4 . 6/9/2016
SQUEE! Please continue this! You'll break my heart if you won't! I'm ALREADY in love with this story, and it's only been 4 chapters! Which goes on to show how good it is! You might hear from my annoying twin, Linda Willows, soon enough. In the meantime, please update! PLEASE!
Guest chapter 4 . 3/25/2016
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