Reviews for The Pelanoi Accounts
Sayeed chapter 25 . 11/4/2015
yo boro, are you dead? It's been quiet some time since we got an update
Lo Chang chapter 25 . 4/29/2015
Boro, where are the updates? It's been like 2 years. I wanna see Randolf again. :(
Big Strong Arms chapter 25 . 2/25/2015
Where are the updates my brotha?
evolution-500 chapter 25 . 11/30/2014
Ouch, sorry to hear about you being hospitalized. Hope you get better, man! LOVING your fic so far. Will there be alternate endings?
Rinnz chapter 25 . 11/28/2014
Well shit, brother. Didn't know you were hospitalized. Yeah, man. Keep your hands on the wheels next time, ey?

You know, it's kind of ironic that Felix was rekt by Viper, the one who was always tasked with making sure that sniper stayed alive. Oh well. Es o so que es, am I right?

Three chapters left? Oh my gutt. ..

So Ghost FINALLY came to his senses. You know, I didn't expect him to make it this far. You wrote him like I spineless schmuck, but I don't mind. It actually fits him. Hope he makes it.

And Elias and, with these two angry as all hell on Burke and the resort's back, we gotta pray to the old gods and New that they make it. And SOMEONE has gotta die soon. I don't like it, but c'mon.. it's Resident Evil. :)

Overall, good chapter matey. Can't wait for the next ones.
Guest chapter 25 . 11/25/2014
Really cool chapter. This "Viper" character is really interesting so far. I hope he doesn't die off.
skidney chapter 25 . 11/25/2014
Awesome chapter!
Rinnz chapter 24 . 8/17/2014
You seem to be doing well for yourself. Glad about that.
Chris Redfield is in the mix? The unstoppable? The boulder puncher? Grey Team MIGHT just get rekt.
Rolf pls.
RAF? Isnt that Royal Airforce or something?
evolution-500 chapter 24 . 8/13/2014
For a moment, she wasn't sure what she was looking at exactly, her brain honestly struggling to process what was very possibly the most tasteless design ever known to humanity. There, on the ground, was what appeared to be a pair of swimming trunks, bright, almost fluorescent green, which, while certainly eye-catching, was not what held her attention.
No, what had struck her dumb was the central design: on the crotch of the briefs, was a koala bear's head sewn in felt, moulded into an expression of complete and utter surprise. Who on earth could possibly conceive of such a crude design, Sema wondered to herself. Belatedly, she realised that there was now an uncomfortable silence settled across the assorted individuals, flicking her gaze around, she saw that the others were all fixated on Randolf's swimwear, their eyes rooted to the image of the surprised koala head.
'What…' Ellen began, her expression surprisingly exhausted, 'in the name of all that is holy… is that?'

Had such a hard time typing from laughing so hard. Really difficult to write. Really good chapter.
Wandering Letters chapter 24 . 8/13/2014
It's about time my friend.

Excellent work as usual. I laughed really hard when I saw that little bit about Randolf's trunks. VERY good input of humour there.

I'm especially liking your ability to create romantic tension between Kit and Tiffany. Now, the tension is so great I can practically cut it with a knife. It'll definitely be interesting to see your attempt at a romance scene (even if it doesn't turn out to be awesome but I have faith in you my brother).

Faithful fan to the end and this chapter was LONG awaited. It got to the point where EVERY OTHER story in my alerts list either updated or FINISHED before you did this chapter.

Glad to see you're alive again and as usual, kudos and the like.

Need anything, always here for you mate.

skidney chapter 24 . 8/12/2014
Awesome chapter!
evolution-500 chapter 23 . 4/23/2014
Interesting twist in the story. I'm very curious about this new virus. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say either the girl or her guardian is infected.
Just remove the comma in this sentence, after "itself":
"That in itself, was interesting enough, but when he took a sample, the virus died."
All in all, really good chapter.
Ghost Rinn chapter 23 . 4/23/2014
What is WRONG with you and Letters? You both just push out a new chapter that once again ceases to blow my mind. Every twIst makes me widen my eyes a bit and let out a small "Ohhhh."

Happy that you've updated, and I can't wait to hear what you do next. Also, I've started to read your Crisis/Mass Effect story. Damn good, sir.
Another thing, good luck on your exams if you still have them.
Wandering Letters chapter 23 . 4/22/2014
I've awaited your return.

You never fail to impress me my friend. Again, brilliant work. Looking forward to more.

skidney chapter 23 . 4/22/2014
Awesome chapter!
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