Reviews for Oh Plot Bunny! Files #6: Cereal Secrets
Robin the bird chapter 1 . 7/30/2006
Excellent story... very humourous! XD
neko yaritai chapter 1 . 1/16/2003
Oh, you hit the humor right on, girl! _

Though it was kinda hard to buy the plot, the individual stuff they did was hilarious!

"but knew he shouldn’t count his prepubescent Gallus Gallus prior the end of their incubation period."

**double take** OH! Don't count the chickens...! WAHAHAHAH!

And last but not least, -"I don’t care if that stupid bee does look like Treize."- OMG! My poor guts! They've exploded a dozen times over!

Great job, please write more humor!

Gambatte ne! _
Phyrekitty chapter 1 . 8/10/2002
HeHe. Funny. I understand completely about the meds. Painkillers can be so much fun sometimes. ;)
Zika-Silver1 I can't sign in chapter 1 . 6/16/2002
How come it's when you're sick and bored that the funniest stories get written? hmmm, it must be the painkillers... hee hee heee!
Hannya chapter 1 . 6/12/2002
Sadly, that seemed perfectly normal to me...good job! Write more and stuff!
kayla chapter 1 . 6/11/2002
Crazy chapter 1 . 6/11/2002
Awwwww Hahahahahahahahahahahaha Can't hahahahaha Breath! hahahahahahaha

this is going into my favorites file.
SunStar101 chapter 1 . 6/11/2002
!XD...o.o...::dies:: x.X
betcha don't know chapter 1 . 6/11/2002
hey girl~

i must say that some interesting work comes out of you when your on drugs...perhaps i should try it sometime :). anyway, very cute...and rather hillarious as well. i really like the mental imageof a "chibified duo" sucking his thumb...thats a good one. anyway, wonderful as always. get better soon. love ya'!