Reviews for The Lost Things
angelique.sch chapter 2 . 3/11/2013
Please update soon! I really want to read the next chapter! :(
jaquii94 chapter 2 . 1/12/2013
:'( Poor Mako and poor Korra having to watch it happen! Update soon!
Agas Spenjahgra VII chapter 2 . 9/11/2012
Did Mako just... die? :O
Kes06002 chapter 2 . 7/15/2012
Wow! I really didn't see that coming! I like Mako but I am a much bigger iroh fan and I can't wait to see where this is going!
Fluxi chapter 2 . 7/11/2012
First, can I just say congrats on killing off Mako. I don't think the majority of other authors would have the guts to do it. Mainly, because they love him, but also because of the potential difficulties in writing Korra and the rest of Team Avatar in the aftermath. However, you write wonderfully and I have faith that you'll do her justice.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
amore1993 chapter 2 . 7/10/2012
OH MY GOD! WHAT THE F*CK DID I JUST READ! YOU JUST KILLED OFF MAKO! THIS IS...either a very lazy or a very smart move. I shall wait for you to write the next chapters to decide how I feel about it. I like Mako's character but I do agree with you about how the character development seemed rushed in the series. Also, killing off the competition for Iroh could be seen as a lazy move from the writer but it also gives the story a possibly darker edge. Just remember to keep it realistic and not romanticise it. One last note, while maybe fanfiction is not considered a classic brillant literary art I believe it still is a literary art, so always be proud of your work :)
Now update soon!
Sakura Scout chapter 2 . 7/4/2012
From reading the summary, I had a pretty good idea that SOMEONE would die. I'll be honest, a part of me hoped it Mako and I'm kinda happy it happened. I should feel guilty about that, but I'm not. I just really want to see how the rest of the story unfolds now that a major change in the series of events in the finale has transpired.

Keep up the great work. I eagerly await the next chapter.
elleelle chapter 2 . 7/4/2012
Looking forward to seeing what comes not that canon is no longer an issue
WJRN5KLS chapter 2 . 7/4/2012
Nice chapter, i really HATE Amon. But I'm guessing Korra will go totally kick-ass on Amon now? Can't wait for the next update!
SilverIcy chapter 2 . 7/4/2012
...Holy Cow! that's a quite cliffhanger, i think that you are a first person to instigate mako's death in this story. i don't recall that others instigate Mako's death in their story that way.

that' and fresh one, i'm very intrigued by how Mako's death affect Korra (poor her, now it added more on her with grief, pain, and guilt over unable to save her love, will she able recover from that?), Bolin (poor him, he lost his precious brother, is there a possibility that he was angry to Korra for unable to save his brother at first, then realize that it is not korra's fault due lost an ability to bend, and grieve over his brother's death.), and Asami ( she was too, affected by his death due being his girlfriend and...possibility that she comforted Bolin?).'s really amazing over a fact; Mako's death has a huge effect on Team Avatar and change the future, away from a cannon universe- which led to the biggest questions- Is Amon still remaining threatening at a large since Mako (display an important role to cause Korra airbending) died? will Korra reached Avatar State?

there are a lot of questions floating in my head, so i can't wait to read/find out about next chapter. i will say that two words summarize up my recent comment ; Excellent Job!

forward to read next chapter! :)
skioctober chapter 2 . 7/4/2012
You weren't kidding when you said you were going to deviate from actual canon. Holy crap.

I totally agree that the finale was a huge let down. But in regards to her bending, I like that she was able to airbend. Her entire life she'd had this spiritual/physical block that prevented airbending. When Amon took the other three elements, it was like flipping a switch. Suddenly, now without the other elements, all she had was airbending, and there was really nothing left to block it. What I did not like about that scene was that if seeing Mako in danger was what set her off, then she should have went into the Avatar State. Actually, she should have went into the State the second Amon tried to take her bending. The Avatar State is a "defense mechanism", right? Or was Roku just spouting nonsensical drivel?

I still do not understand just how exactly bloodbending can remove the bending form a person. Thinking back to Aang's lessons with Guru Pathik, and how the chakras have physical homes in our bodies, I just assume that Amon tampered with the physical aspect of the chakras and blocked peoples' bending. I do like that Aang showed up when Korra "called him" - magic teardrop, anyone? - but I don't think he bent her energy back into place. The way he did it was reminiscent of how the Lion Turtle taught him, so I think it was more like Aang was imparting that knowledge onto Korra. I want to say that having her spirituality opened up was like a cleansing moment, unblocking her chakras, restoring her bending - balancing her out, ya know? But I know that theory is flawed.

And now that I have thoroughly spammed this review with my rambling, I'll say how awesome I found this story. Everything was written nicely, I felt like the scenes flowed well. And I'm really excited for the Korroh aspect of this fic. I. Love. Korroh.

A lot.
In fact, I really just love Iroh.
A lot, a lot.

I'll shut up now.
Aimsaru chapter 2 . 7/4/2012
Oh. My. God. There was no warning and now my feels are evvvverywhere. What a shock! But thats one way to get someone out of the way and my mind is now coming up with all kinds of thoughts of what happens next. Wow. Very cool, and your descriptions did great justice to the horror of bloodbending. I eapecially liked the bones rubbing together. Yes. Just yes.
Unravelling chapter 2 . 7/4/2012
Woah! What an ending, this is really looking good. You really pull off the canon feel and the little additions work well with in the overall, great work looking forward to more!.
JadeMoonStorm001 chapter 1 . 7/2/2012
it would be really cool if you made another chapter to this. If you do i'll find it! Please make another chapter soon!
JaguarJenJen chapter 1 . 7/2/2012
Love it! Well,not the Makorra kissing part. But,your writing is good. :) cant wait for the next update!
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