Reviews for Pirates can Dance
Nyria Waynes chapter 1 . 7/1/2018
Not even a slight lynching? Aw...
In all seriousness though, it was a pretty good read. Maybe you could have gotten around the pronouns by using first person, but then again, if you wanted Lenna to see Faris as a man, not much would have changed, would it? Next to no grammar errors as well, at least none that I noticed, what a rare sight!
Haprilona chapter 1 . 2/10/2013
I must admit that I've come to adore Lenna/Faris after seeing the picture Amano drew of them together. You know, Lenna resting her head on Faris' shoulder while Faris looks all protective and stuff. :D This fic certainly reminded me of the picture. Lenna seemed very dreamy in the picture, like she's in the end of this fic. I like the way you wrote this, how Lenna's mind transformed Sarisa into Faris and how she "was lost in him". It's adorable. I'd love to read more about them in your wonderful style.