Reviews for He Shoots, She Scores: The Full Story
LightBehindTheShadows chapter 32 . 1/21/2019
So so good! Great job!
Thank you for this :)
Evelyne-raconte chapter 32 . 11/10/2018
I enjoyed very much reading this amazing fiction. As a Frenchie, I don't know a lot about hockey, but I learn some things that I have to go see on YouTube. Thank you for sharing your wonderful imagination with us.
Kitty chapter 12 . 8/8/2017
Hey by the way... Edward isn't the one to pop the cherry? What kind of story is that?
Chloe chapter 12 . 8/8/2017
Type your review for this chapter here...
QueenGB chapter 32 . 5/6/2017
Lovely end! ;-)
QueenGB chapter 29 . 5/6/2017
I really liked that proposal. Well done!
QueenGB chapter 28 . 5/6/2017
For discussion sake only since reviews kind of feel like book club comments, I will say this... Your a/n was understood ;-) but in the end what Bella did was what a "hockey whore" *sad face* would do. However, the difference is Bella is a sweet girl and she was subtle about her goals. Her motives were always about the score and the score was Edward. Also can 18 be an excuse when the plotting level was that thought out wrong or not? If she got to know him really know him she would have found out Bree cheating hurt him, he hated liers and he hated user stalker girls. Her sweetness, daily access through their friends and later her virginity should have and would have been her in. JS
QueenGB chapter 24 . 5/5/2017
Sure Bella Carmen keeps that secret. ;-D
QueenGB chapter 18 . 5/5/2017
It was wise of Bella to realize she was the same stalking and ojectifying girl the hockey whores were. I mean she even bartered her virginity for sexual experience. She could have broken her hymen with a vibe. No bullshit, no loser and guaranteed O. Here's hoping she really likes him too. Also she needs to get rid of the scrapbook. Scary spice indeed!
QueenGB chapter 12 . 5/5/2017
High school or not I'm trying to see the logic of Bella's choice. She will be busted because that's the right amount of fiction angst. Shame.
Guest chapter 30 . 12/16/2016
your bella lied again
cejsmom chapter 12 . 5/11/2016
Seriously? You have people give you crap for that? People are messed up. Good for Bella - she didn't need to save it for anyone!
cejsmom chapter 11 . 5/11/2016
alright! I'm ready to dive in. I'm thinking she's planning on losing something while she's away. Hmmm...
cejsmom chapter 5 . 5/11/2016
I'm enjoying how Bella is - not knowing it all - willing to learn and that when she finally noticed him she NOTICED him. I totally remember that feeling the first time I realized guys were more than boys - and all of a sudden that's all you can see. I also like how you've got Edward focused on hockey and that's it because, yeah, they do do that. Now - onto finding out how all of that changes though!
cejsmom chapter 2 . 5/11/2016
I saw your post on FB and considered this a challenge lol! I've never read it and so far - am in love! Looking forward to what the story brings!
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