Reviews for What Lies Beneath
sailorraven34 chapter 9 . 10/6/2015
So it was Natasha who put him in therapy... This just keeps getting better and better. Update!
Black Widow and Hawkeye OTP chapter 9 . 10/5/2015
now she has to ave him :(
Darian Clarke chapter 9 . 10/3/2015
What?! You mean to tell me Natasha is the reason Clint was recommended for therapy? Then how on earth did Hayes get in there and take him? Does Fury know what's going on? Are they looking for him? I'm so confused, I'm gonna have to read this again when it isn't half past one in the morning. You have me hooked, and I am waiting already for the next chapter.
Darian Clarke chapter 7 . 10/3/2015
The food is drugged. That or this whole thing is a dream, and the dreams are really him being questioned while under drugs. I cannot stand what's being done to him. Wonder as well if Henry is also going through this, or if Henry is a ringer to get Clint to drop his guard.
On to the next chapter.
Darian Clarke chapter 6 . 10/3/2015
Oh, man . . . I hate Hayes with a strong hate, and can't wait until she gets what's coming to her. Now Clint's being moved to some sort of dungeon, and they're going to "make him comply". Yeah, this is not good.
Next chapter . . .
Darian Clarke chapter 5 . 10/3/2015
Glad Clint is finally figuring out what's going on, but I am concerned about the yellow pill. And now that they pretty much trust him to swallow his pills, I'd think he might consider keeping them both in his cheek until he could get rid of them somehow. Even if there are cameras in the bathroom, he would find a way to get rid of them without being caught. Just my thoughts . . . And I really hope Henry is for real, 'cause if he isn't, Clint is in even more trouble than we think.
On to the next chapter!
Darian Clarke chapter 4 . 10/3/2015
A-HA! I was right! His suspicions are right, too, but a little late. I have a hard time believing he would so easily trust Hayes just because he was given his bow and arrows back. If what we're seeing isn't some form of Stockholm syndrome, I don't know what it is.
On to the next chapter!
Darian Clarke chapter 3 . 10/3/2015
I so do not trust this woman. She's dangling what she knows Clint wants most in front of his nose, to get information from him that I'm sure she is going to use for bad purposes.
And I wonder about those so-called anti-depressants, too . . . wonder what they really are and what effect they're having on Clint.
The reason I wonder is because Clint seems to have lost his suspicious nature and that is not (pardon the pun) natural for him.
Darian Clarke chapter 2 . 10/3/2015
Mmmm . . . this doesn't seem right. Why hasn't Clint gone to Fury and talked to him about the proposed stay at the "psychiatric hospital"? Because he wasn't given a chance. Basically he's being kidnapped out of SHIELD HQ and being taken away, and I wonder who "Dr." Hayes really is. On to the next chapter, then.
sailorraven34 chapter 8 . 5/5/2015
Oooh, the plot thickens. I can't help think that maybe Natasha is just an illusion as well? Great chapter, especially the end. :)
Valechan92 chapter 8 . 5/2/2015
Very interesting fic!
After age of ultron I definitely need this...
Good job!
Aurora Marija chapter 7 . 1/18/2015
Oh my God, this is insane and I wonder how they're getting to him. Those dreams can't be just dreams. I'm starting to wonder if Henry is Hydra and he was a plant to try to befriend and get close to Clint, and after he gained his trust and looked like he was a victim too then do whatever Hydra wants done to Clint.
I'm also worried that all these Loki questions are because they want to use Loki's scepter but are having trouble figuring out how. We know Hydra has that scepter. Imagine if they get info out of Clint and them try to use it on h to turn him to Hydra. I hope not.
Looking forward to updates!
Azaisya chapter 7 . 1/17/2015
Is it a dream...? Or is it real...? And which part is the dream and which is real...? And is the fact that the last "everything is going to be alright" wasn't italicized significant? Hmmmm... questions, questions...

I think my favorite line was Clint's, "It was just time thing." one. Amazing.
Lastavica chapter 1 . 10/24/2014
I LOVED this first chapter! You portrayed Clint so well. Strong but still breaking my heart!
angel88darkness chapter 6 . 10/19/2014
love the story, keep going
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