Reviews for Surrender
Guest chapter 2 . 11/11/2019
this is like...REALLY good
Guest chapter 3 . 8/24/2019
She's such a hormonal tennage boy.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/24/2019
Sikowitz is the captain of the ship
tzip8582 chapter 14 . 7/5/2018
im crying
tzip8582 chapter 10 . 7/5/2018
I know im like 5 years to late but i love this!
its bringing some joy to my sad gay life
Monebtros chapter 14 . 2/10/2016
Thanks for the story. It helped a lot
Maniihilfiger chapter 1 . 7/20/2015
Elimere chapter 14 . 7/25/2014
This was really different. For anyone who has started it and written it off as rushed, lacking detail or immature, keep going! The style is like nothing I have ever read before. And I've read a lot. It's interesting, to say the least. It feels like being inside someone's head or being underwater. It's oddly compelling, the way it seems to just keep rambling on. It kind of reminds me of the way they speak in Gilmore Girls, with quick wit and fast talking. I like it.
The story itself is nice and simple, which is needed. If it became too complicated it may have been hard to follow. It's sweet and cute, could have done with more chapters, but it ended at a good spot and any more would have really been dragging it on for no reason.
Wow, you have more problems than I do! Sorry to hear (read) that. I hope things get better.
I really like this. It's eloquent and strange.
Dolphin64575 chapter 14 . 10/3/2013
Yay, adorable story ending! *hug* Glad everything turned out okay-ish for you. If you ever want to vent to a stranger, you can PM me. :)
ramenlife chapter 10 . 10/3/2013
I love this story so much! Can't believe I only found it now! Thanks so much for writing it.
Guest chapter 13 . 5/14/2013
This is seriously on of THE BEST stories I have ever read so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Update soon. Or atleast make a sequel.
TimelessReader chapter 13 . 12/10/2012
hope to see this picked back up. Like the story overall.
dakota.dawg chapter 9 . 10/18/2012
hahahahahahaha! whale sounds hahahahahaha!
Guest chapter 13 . 10/17/2012
This is seriously one of THE Best stories I have read. So PLEASE update soon. PLEASE! Or atleast make a sequel.
Dragoness114 chapter 13 . 8/27/2012
I love this story! Update soon and I'd love some angst!
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