Reviews for darkness is a harsh term, don't you think
pleasesaycaroline chapter 1 . 11/5/2019
"Think I could get in on that?" pfffffftttt. amazing.
ugh! the characters are written so well!
truth. though jack shepherd has my sympathies. stefans an idiot sometimes and there's no getting past that.
okay, they let her go for fifty years before they got worried? typical of them tbh.
aw! caroline and her cat against the world. i love.
oh so they have been trying to get her. alright owe you an apology elena. however can they not just want her to do what she feels is best for her? god.
i love this comfortable vibe for them. honestly it's healing for me just to read this so good for you carebear.
"that hazy place where her entire world is made up of his skin on hers" romance! poetry! i live for it!
honestly props to you for not villainising tyler. i love that spunky little asshole. i shipped forwood so hard before klaus came along and treated caroline the way she deserves!
i love some good healthy caroline forbes sass.
oooh baby klaus. it's been fifty years and you're still scared she'll leave you?
"or to the Force" hahahaha.
bonnie bennett i love you you are a glorious friend!
"She wants to talk to Klaus, wants him to tell her in one of his elegantly worded monologues that this is the circle of life and even though they are on the outside, they are still a part of it." babies! i love this so much. it's what they deserve!
"I don't know how you two look the same as in all of her pictures from high school," and just doesn't care. lmao. did his wife not tell him she was a witch?
"She twisted her daylight ring around her finger and wondered if death—final, permanent death—would hurt as the bright California sun beat down on her." this is powerful.
ugh! im just so enamored your writing is amazing. this was a pleasure!
also rip tyler the writers did you dirty.
Carrie281 chapter 1 . 5/3/2019
Beautifully written. X
Ejunkiet chapter 1 . 7/24/2018
It has been six years since you wrote this, but this story still holds true to the characters and the writing is just so lovely and heartbreaking. What a wonderful story. Thank you for writing it!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/19/2015
This made me cry. Smile until my cheeks hurt. Made my heart clench so tightly and painfully against my ribcage that all i feel is broken,a wreck. Now i feel numb,and i wouldnt choose it any other way.
Fucking thank you,oh my God. So beautiful. I dont make me any sense right now,but just know,this made my day a little brighter,a little bittersweeter and most of all,it made me genuinely feel. Now i dont feel so numb anymore.
1sunfun chapter 1 . 3/18/2015
babyvfan chapter 1 . 12/30/2014
Wow. Thatwas good. Sad, considering Bonnie died, but definitely good
21stseventeen chapter 1 . 4/13/2014
I think i cried a little here. So well done
Angels-heart1 chapter 1 . 12/17/2013
Even though it made me cry. I loved it.
SeriouslySerious chapter 1 . 11/29/2013
That was beautiful. Seriously, I'm tearing up.
TheMiseducationOfB chapter 1 . 11/21/2013
That was so so beautiful.
I cried. But it was worth it.
yaba chapter 1 . 9/13/2013
God what an amazing oneshot. I loved everything from the beginning where we find Caroline in Italy to her relationship with Damon to her and Klaus. I liked that initially klaus didn't just go with her but showed his displeasure. I think it's very true to character especially when he shows up and how he shows up in Mystic Falls again. The image of him standing at Tyler's grave and expressing his gratitude is pure literally magic. I haven't favorited a story in a long time but this was amazing. You reminded me why I love his couple so much!

grapes-day chapter 1 . 8/18/2013
This hits me right in the feels. Awesome. Dont mind me while i read your other fics now :)
br0flove chapter 1 . 8/10/2013
Tay chapter 1 . 7/21/2013
Oh godddddd. This was so painful to read but so good at the same time. The way you laced the past and present was very well done and just really good story. I loved reading Klaus and Caroline but also enjoyed Daroline and Forwood scenes. Really, this angst one shot was really spectacular. God, I cannot with these two. They will be the death of me. I just wish you have more and more stories of them for me to read! Like endless so I can keep on reading them. The places around the world picked was great and the friendship between Bonnie, Caroline and Elena was also great to read. The last part of Klaus standing in front of Tyler's grave was perfect too. Ah, what a good read. xxx
CBK1000 chapter 1 . 5/22/2013
I always come to the good ones late.

Your Damon/Caroline banter was just perfect, and this was all just so bittersweet and beautiful- I loved it. And the relationship between Klaus and Caroline just comes across so genuine, exactly how I could imagine it to be one day, if she were to give him a chance.

Just wonderful. Thank you for sharing.
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