Reviews for Logic
Katla1 chapter 1 . 7/27/2018
Logic! :D
Guest chapter 1 . 11/27/2016
Slade could still keep Robin as his apprentice. Another reviewer said that Slade could threaten civilians if Robin didn't do what he wanted. That's exactly what he could do. He could threaten to kill civilians if Robin killed himself. Robin wouldn't want people to die because of him, so he wouldn't kill himself. And Slade could kill someone everytime Robin disobeyed him, which would make Robin do everything he said. So even without the tians, Slade could still force Robin to be his apprentice. The only way he could get away would be to kill Slade. Or to get him thrown in prison so he can't hurt him.
kittcoe339 chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
Nice, Robin. It took you two months to figure this out. :) Welp, at least he figured it out eventually. Nicely done.
darkshadows3321 chapter 1 . 8/19/2013
Your reasoning makes sense at first, but then you have to realize, Robin doesn't want his friends to even be hurt. And if Slade actually went through with killing his friends, Robin would never forgive himself.
GenderBender25 chapter 1 . 6/28/2013
This is why I never liked Slade. I prefer Deathstroke the Terminator, the one from Young Justice. He was cool and SMART!
LoveGreenEyes001 chapter 1 . 2/19/2013
Hahaha! very logical! Sassy Robin! Nice story; I love using reverse psychology! x)
twindaughterofArtemis chapter 1 . 12/31/2012
I liked this, but there is a way to salvage Slade's plan. What I would do is kill the team just to show that I have no problems with doing so, than dose a large group of civilians with the probes. If Robin ever acted out kill the civilians and dose a new group.

It's probably a good thing he didn't think of that though.
fanficfantasies chapter 1 . 10/30/2012
Wow. You know, I use that type of logic about things (mostly stories or 'what would you do in this life or death situation things') and it's pretty logical. I'm glad you aplied it here.
Mammon Grey chapter 1 . 10/12/2012
Huh. That's a good point. I hadn't thought of that...

It's kind of like that awkward moment at the end of Apprentice Part II when you say to yourself, "Wait, couldn't Robin have jumped on that probe machine, like, days ago? There's no way he didn't pass it while fighting Slade..." Or in The End when Starfire, Cyborg and Beast Boy are fighting their alter egos and you can't help but wonder, "How long were they fighting before they realized, 'Hey, we could keep this thing going...OR we could switch places and, you know, not.'?"

I love the ending, because in my head all I'm thinking is "da na na na na, BATMAN!" XD A solemn moment for's bad enough that he is routinely beaten by teenagers in colorful spandex.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/17/2012
I always wondered about this. Then I just thought #*# it, Slade is evil and crazy!
DynamicDuo 911 chapter 1 . 8/11/2012
this was sooo funny! Good story :) I laughed.
Ender The Time Lady chapter 1 . 7/17/2012
My thoughts exactly.
Sueanoi chapter 1 . 7/15/2012
Well, Slade could've just threaten Robin to kill his That way even though he killed one, he still have 3 more to spend.
Nothing TaSee Here sorry folks chapter 1 . 6/28/2012
Hmm . . . you're right Slade probally wouldn't kill the Titans if Robin refused becuae he needed them for the whole blackmail thing BUT if Slade did have to kill the Titans then he'd probally just lay his cards on the table and tell Robin that he knows he's Dick Grayson, Batman is Bruce Wayne, and that he knows the JL's identitys as well. Of course then Slade would be able to use there lives as blackmail (and possibley Mr. Haley, Alfred, or anyone else Robin grew attached to at some point) and knowing that Slade was dead serious Robin would have no choice then to join him.

I honestly don't know why Slade doesn't just try someting more . . . effeive on Robin. After all Slade could kill anyone close to Robin before he knew what hit him, capture him with no means of escape, or say that he knows Robin's identiy and blackmail him saying that he would reveal Batman's secret identiy to the world if he didn't. Although I suppose Slade just doesn't want Robin that badly but I do have to wonder if they made anotehr season of TT if Slade would have tried to get Robin back considering that before Slade and Terra's temporary deaths he said he still wanted Robin. I supose beacuse it's a tv show with fluffy endings most of the time (most) Robin can't become a villian considering it would break some unspoken code . . . cause I mean that would be like making Batman say 'fuck being a vigilante' and joining Rah Al Gulh in his evil quest or Superman going ape shit and honestly bonkers and joing Lex Luthor! *Sigh* (Why can't that happen it would be sooooo cool!) If the TT was real though Robin would be Slade's apprentice most likely for life even with the JL, TT, and others trying to free him.

Stupid Good trumphing over evil nonsense. Of course I like it in real life but why can't we have some good bloodshed of calssic 'good guys' join the awsome as shit darkside!
IrationalFear chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
This line of logic relies on one precarious premise: that Slade only cares about having Robin as an apprentice, and ONLY Robin. Additionally, trying to use logic on someone who has your life-or your friends lives-within their power to end tends not to work the more pissed off they get; Slade has been shown to act out of rage over logic before, and is content with killing every Titan, including Robin. By the way, Robin has been shown to kill when enraged as well (Trouble in Tokyo).

Besides, the whole "I'll commit suicide if you don't do what I want or leave me alone" thing doesn't work out if the options are 1) let them kill themselves or 2) let them live and be a pain in the ass whenever you do something else that they don't like, which one do you think Slade, a villain, would pick? Oddly enough, he is blinded by rage to this line of logic too.

In short, season 2 renders the premise of the Apprentice episodes moot. Or rather, retcons behavior and motives.

Now that I'm done picking apart your story to my way of thinking. . . .wait a second, I hate when people do that to me, especially when they're wrong. Darn it, I can't do it, it's too mean and unhelpful and not really contributing at all to anything other than the number of reviews!

Umm, just ignore all of that other stuff in my review, I don't mean to think aloud. . . .or type aloud. . . .or flame, very often, sorry.

Still, I liked it. It's tough for Robin to figure out just when Slade, and he himself, were crossing the line and moral boundaries despite previous willingness to crime. And I chuckled at the drycleaning part, it just fits so well.
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