Reviews for Break Up Song
wbfanatic4eva chapter 34 . 8/12/2019
OMG Hellcats! that show was SO GOOD! Oh, how I miss it!
wbfanatic4eva chapter 31 . 7/26/2019
Love Taylor Swift! Great chapter
wbfanatic4eva chapter 29 . 7/26/2019
Wallace! So glad you found a way to incorporate him into the story! Can't wait to get a glimpse of Mac and Dick after the time jump!

Hope Lilly wakes up! Glad she didn't die. And that Veronica didn't get raped.
wbfanatic4eva chapter 28 . 7/25/2019
The beginning of the chapter made me sad, hate LoVe breakups...

But that ending had my heart racing! I thought you killed Lilly! so glad she's not dead in your fic, can't wait to see what happened to her
wbfanatic4eva chapter 16 . 7/10/2019
I LOVED this chapter! I love fanfics that show Veronica and Dick having a friendship, other than just tolerating each other. Sometimes it's hard to feel right about that friendship though because of all the stuff between them in the past. I love that in this story there's none of that and they just get to be friends!
Guest chapter 50 . 6/26/2019
i really enjoyed your story.
wbfanatic4eva chapter 1 . 6/24/2019
Veronica Mars, is, was, and will always be... RED. SATIN. I love reading pre-series fics because we get to see the Lilly/Veronica friendship which is one of my favorite things about season 1. Even though Lilly is a hot mess, I love that she was always bringing Veronica out of her shell! Sometimes I wonder if that was better for her than Wallace, I love Wallace don't get me wrong. And I think Wallace is one of the best best friends in TV history, but he kind of put Veronica on this pedestal and never really challenged her in the way Lilly did. Like, I just watched the episode where he came back from Chicago and he tells Veronica about Rashad running over the homeless man and he tells her he couldn't tell her because she would've done the right thing and he was ashamed he didn't. He sometimes treats Veronica like she's a saint who can do no wrong, and that's just not the Veronica we know and love. But Lilly is constantly challenging Veronica. I think they were both great for her at different times in her life. And I think Wallace is the better friend for sure. But I'm not sure which friendship was better. All of that is to say I'm really looking forward to the Lilly/Veronica friendship that you're going to show in the fic! The last fic of yours I read they weren't friends, so I'm looking forward to that here!

Glad I found this story, can't wait to read more!
Guest chapter 19 . 6/1/2019
Heroin isn’t snorted btw
Guest chapter 50 . 5/30/2019
Great finish :-) I hope you find a Muse and rewrite season 2
Kayte76 chapter 50 . 5/29/2019
Thanks for the ride. congrats on ur completion!
Guest chapter 49 . 10/16/2016
Update please
spk chapter 49 . 6/19/2016
I notice that it's been 10 months since an update. And as I re-read this story, I wonder if we will get more. I notice that it's not marked "Complete" and Lilly hasn't woken up yet. But I also see that with this chapter title and the way you wrote could actually be a good ending. So if you have more planned, I hope you update soon, but if not, I hope you'll mark the story as "Complete" so people don't ignore its greatness thinking it's been abandoned. :)
JoeCool701 chapter 49 . 6/15/2016
I hope that one day that you will add more to this story. I can't wait to see that day.
Princesakarlita411 chapter 49 . 2/10/2016
Update soon
Princesakarlita411 chapter 44 . 1/12/2016
Poor Madison
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