Reviews for In Search of Redemption
Guest chapter 1 . 11/3/2015
When thehell are you going to update this?
AlphaX14 chapter 1 . 7/5/2015
Please continue with this story! There is so much potential! I need more please!
Qoheleth chapter 1 . 5/26/2015
Dear Wizard:

You know, I've come to think that stories like this - you know, where the identities of well-known characters are transferred to completely different people, as though Percy were taking a role in a play or something - really should have a special site of their own in our little community here. After all, it is rather a distinct genre from fanfiction proper, with its own special appeal and its own special demands on the writer - and it would just be cool to have a green-bordered sister site emblazoned with the legend, "Fantomime: Imagine What Might Be." (I don't suppose you'd care to join the e-mail campaign to get such a site created?)

Wolf154657 chapter 1 . 4/25/2015
Guest chapter 1 . 3/29/2014
dogbiscuit1967 chapter 1 . 2/20/2014
THe story was just getting good. PLease continue it. It has a lot of promise and I am already enthralled with it.
Lauren chapter 1 . 1/1/2014
Continue dang it make sure annabath falls in love with him.
Tyski88 chapter 1 . 10/31/2013
please update soon
Anti- Aircraft Rocket Turtle chapter 1 . 10/7/2013
I really liked it
simon.heinrich.982 chapter 1 . 7/15/2013
I liked it, write more
Great Job chapter 1 . 5/15/2013
Please continue and make Percy a Badass
Sam chapter 1 . 2/15/2013
It's only the first chapter and I'm already in love with it. Please continue it. 3
Guest chapter 1 . 8/24/2012
Awesome! Post soon
Captain Loony 007 chapter 1 . 8/19/2012
Great chapter
Please update story
Guest chapter 1 . 7/17/2012
Great story, update
One question: If they went to Camp Half-Blood, does Percy still have demigod powers?
And is thos going to be ANOTHER GODDAMN PERCABETH?(Im not saying I'll stop reading if it is, i just like other pairings more than the common PERCABETH like, Percy/Bianca or Piper or even... Katie Gardner :O i like anyoe besides the Percabeth/Pertemis
Anyways, great and interesting story so far, hopefully theres some humor in the story too
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