Reviews for Problems and Memories In Republic City
jquackers chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
You did an incredible job portraying Tenzin when Korra brought up Lin. I think he was a bit too.. informal when he interacted with Lin (in present time) though. They were always really tense and formal around each other, so I think it'd be more in character of them if that was the case here. Otherwise, really good job.
mcook9008 chapter 1 . 6/22/2012
see told you i would read and review as soon as i got a chance. I loved it even though i honestly had a hard time keeping the characters in line(thats my fault for not watching the show) but i love the dialouge and i like how yu went from third person to first person. It definitly held my attention great job looking foward to more
Siri Kenobi95 chapter 1 . 6/21/2012
Great story! :) I really enjoyed getting to read more about my top three favorite characters. I also really loved the flash back scenes and how you described Lin getting the scars on her face.
