Reviews for Familia Ante Omnia
sadarsa chapter 1 . 6/28
Thanks for this warning page!
I totally would had read this story... then been totally disgusted by it after already having invested time into reading it.
Guest chapter 3 . 11/12/2019
Too confusing!
rmiser1994 chapter 34 . 10/22/2019
Fantastic story! I'm off to start reading the sequel right away! .
Guest chapter 7 . 5/3/2019
*sigh* ok i think im done with this one...
first of all it seems like just about everyone in this story is gay. I mean you can almost count the straight people on one hand. I don't mind gay relationships in a story, but jeeze it's a bit much when almost everyone is gay.

Secondly there's just too much back information, rather than the characters developing naturally through the story the author just drops a load backstory in your lap and spends half the chapter trying to justify it.
StarKurama chapter 32 . 2/14/2019
I love this and can't wait to read more
Sadarsa chapter 2 . 12/22/2018
Such a very very weird story you've started here. Male birth? I've no problems with gays, but male birthing is a bit much. Also you keep saying that Harry has a Glamour cast on her. Glamour is just an illusion, it wouldn't enable her to pee standing up.. or avoid having her periods. It wouldn't get rid of that wobbling weight on her chest. It wouldn't change her voice either. There is no way that she wouldn't know that she's actually a girl... at least if it's a glamour. Now a full on polymorph? that's a different story.
Ada1229 chapter 26 . 10/3/2018
Aw, i like Firenze he's a good person that didnt deserve to be banished. To half quote Aslan, the centures think too much of their pride and honor
MMRiddle chapter 34 . 10/1/2018
So, I just went through this story in three days, and one thing really hit me...I have never met another person who loved the Cat Who series!
wildtrance chapter 14 . 3/4/2018
bitches in the Hidden Nations gonna fall!
wildtrance chapter 13 . 3/4/2018
another meaning of SOS is "Save Our Souls".

this is fun.
Carol542 chapter 34 . 12/26/2017
Love it
Lord Kuchiki chapter 34 . 2/19/2017
Can't wait until the sequel, loved this story
fairytailbunchan chapter 33 . 6/9/2016
I love this Fanfiction so much! I love all the twist and intertwining parts of plot! I cant wait to see what Naruto looks like with Ryuu-Okaasan looking after him :D. I can't wait for Kisuke to remember Minato as well as the sequel to come out!
( '.' )
hallelujah I'm a bum chapter 34 . 3/11/2016
I really enjoyed reading this and thought it was very well done. At first, I will admit I was unsure about how I felt with Naruto being brought into this but I liked it and you combined it well. However there were times that I struggled reading it anyways. Particularly when you described some things. Description is great, it allows the reader to picture the situation and really get drawn into the story. However, sometimes things can be over described. A good example, in my opinion, is in chapter 22 where you are describing everyone at the quiddich game. It wasn't really a bad thing, it was nice to know who was there but it was also hard to focus on since you didn't really give any names. It happened in other chapters as well but that one was the most distinct for me. While it is nice to tell who is there, don't do it all in one paragraph. break it up a bit so the story can continue as you describe the area. Again I loved this story and I'm moving on to the sequel now.
Jostanos chapter 19 . 2/4/2016
O_O WOW! Five walls? Ganju must have done something even more idiotic than usual to get his sister _That_ mad. or not
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