Reviews for If He Would Have Been Faithful
Knit Bit chapter 30 . 9/1
This was a great read. Thank you so much for sharing. Truly.

archy12 chapter 24 . 1/29
Yeah, talking to a therapist would be good.
Edward pretty much convinced Bella though. :)
archy12 chapter 23 . 1/29
I get it that she is not thinking right, could this be a woman's fault? Ever?
archy12 chapter 22 . 1/29
Finally. Slow is good, but it's time. ;)
archy12 chapter 21 . 1/29
Phew, good thing they talked it out. I was worried for a moment.
archy12 chapter 20 . 1/29
Glad she is ready to move ahead.
archy12 chapter 12 . 1/29
Oooh, that a bolt of lightening. For Bella, anyway. :)
archy12 chapter 8 . 1/29
I suppose Alice's parents live there, so it's not as if Bella would never see Alice again. This was, of course, infinitely more painful.
archy12 chapter 7 . 1/29
Wow, that was...I didn't see that coming!
archy12 chapter 6 . 1/29
That's a strange kind of love. :(
archy12 chapter 4 . 1/29
Hmm, what is Bella going to do? My imagination is running riot!
archy12 chapter 3 . 1/29
I guess that would be someone's first reaction.
I, of course, would have found a broom and beaten them with it. :D
archy12 chapter 2 . 1/29
Oh dear, why do people do that? Don't they have a conscience? :(
Mr G and Me chapter 34 . 1/27
Poor Ang! I hope she runs fast!
As for this fic, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was so sweet I think my teeth might fall out.
frostedglaze chapter 29 . 10/2/2019
Alice is still pretty selfish, how could she just show up to Bella’s wedding reception? She did it to make herself feel better. She would not have been sorry if Jasper hadn’t left her. The only good thing about this is that Alice has to live with the knowledge that Bella is happy with a gorgeous devoted husband, good friends and family, while Alice has to raise a child on her own, in Forks where people gossip like it’s their livelihood.

After all, what female will want to be friends with Alice after knowing what she did to her best friend, and no man will want to be in a relationship with Alice because she cheats, I mean sure they will go to her for a “good time”, but that is all. Besides, little Lucy will never have friends for long since the other moms will not ant their husbands anywhere near Malice.
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