Reviews for A Hole In The World
Novembertopaz chapter 21 . 11/9/2019
Any chance of the ending showing up? I'd quite like to finish it.
Milou-sarcastic-yaoiste chapter 21 . 10/11/2017
This story is bloody great ! I've discovered the whole thing with the French translation and man, it's amazing ! Like, the feelings arre carried to the reader naturally, and all ... I really appreciated reading this, and can only hope someday you'll be finishing it ... even if it stays this way, it's good.
See you !
Mistress of Potions chapter 21 . 9/8/2017
Wouldn't mind the last chapter of this excellence, if you please.
DAMN chapter 21 . 5/17/2017
Wiggins is intense to say they least but I love the character you made her to be! Well done WELL DONE INDEED!
Name isn' needed chapter 21 . 10/23/2016
I Love You!
Thaks for such awesome stories!
Keep on writing. I hope I can write like you somedat
librarywitch chapter 21 . 12/14/2015
This story is perfect. I love the mystery, the final solutions and the OCs. I do so hope you get that last chapter up but I am putting it on my favs list now. I don't to that very often, so that shows how much I enjoyed reading this tale.
Guest chapter 21 . 12/4/2015
I have shamelessly dashed through all the stories of this series thus far and I am loving every minute. I have only just recently watched the BBC series, and haven't even started season 3 yet, but I adore the characterization here. Watson is incredible, and I find your rendering of Sherlock in relationship believable as well - which is amazing, as I feel the BBC has set him up to be impossible in relationship, no matter how much tension there is between him and John. Anyway, I love this, and I am very excited for the next installment, whenever that may arrive. Well done.
Guest chapter 21 . 9/18/2015
Hope u keepit going
dubfishthewolf chapter 14 . 9/18/2015
Love it
Secrets Of A Broken Angel chapter 21 . 9/14/2015
Love your work!
littleelfmom chapter 21 . 8/27/2015
I have now finished reading all of your stories and have enjoyed them immensely. Keep up the good work. Cant wait to see how you complete this one. I agree with the assessment that Sherlock is not a sociopath. I have never seen evidence of it. Yes he is snarky and does not play well with others, except for a few, but not sociopathic. Waiting for next chapter.
Shadow Cat17 chapter 21 . 8/24/2015
I love this update! Thanks for continuing this story.
Resrie71 chapter 21 . 8/22/2015
So nice to see an update on this! I'm (unfortunately) completely in touch with having a WIP that I haven't updated in months. I've been decidedly uninspired lately. Love what you did with Wiggins' backstory and perspective, nice twist, that. *Sighs heavily* Guess I need to get back to work!
LightontheSeaofSorrow chapter 21 . 8/21/2015
I have been following this story/series for years and have enjoyed the long journey. Although it's always sad to see great things end, I'm glad if we do get closure. Thank you for posting!
Skyfullofstars chapter 21 . 8/20/2015
A new Chapter of A Hole in the World ! I wanted to wave my arms and run around in circles at the update notice, but opted for settling in and reading instead. You have been sorely missed !

May I just say at the onset, that I do so love your “John.” His POV and characterization is always spot on. And it’s wonderful that you show the long road to recovery, both for him and for poor Edwin. No magic bullets here – just hard work and plenty of grit and perseverance. I laughed at the PE “joke,” although having gone through a great deal of PE myself, I realize it’s no joke.

Your portrayal of Wiggins is a sheer delight. I do think she could carry her own story (hmmm, any takers on that one?) She’s such a strong little thing and has added so much to your marvelous story, so Thank You for Wiggins! (Her explanation of her name is worth the price of admission , so Bravo !)

As always, I learn so much from your chapters – you always put in enough actual medical background to keep it fascinating, but don’t drown us in hyperbole. Once again, you have struck the perfect balance and we - your readers - are the better for it.

My favorite bit was John’s conversation with Wiggins, wherein he echos his short speech to Sherlock from the end scene of the unaired Pilot – and I’ll let your readers discover this gem for themselves. Needless to say, I grinned when I recognized it.

And for those who think of Mycroft Holmes as the Ice Man, I would just point him to Edwin’s little slip of the tongue here. Ice man, indeed !

Sherlock is anxious to get his John back to Baker Street – as are we all !

A most excellent chapter, and once again, you leave us wanting More! - more John, More Sherlock - More !

I’m sad that only one chapter remains – but I know it will be a Most Excellent one, my dear !

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