Reviews for Partners in Crime
Kota Shepard chapter 1 . 4/23/2015
This first chapter is perfect. I like the pairing of a salarian and quarian ,and I also love how different Ket is from his species ,as well as the idea of having a quarian join a gang or mercenary the Batarian Doarn in this chapter as the crime boss is stern as a leader and yet in a way sort of like a friend and father figure witch shows that the gang is like a family. For example:When Doarn is telling ket he needs a partner and says that everyone has at least one then cracks a joke and winks, I thought that was neat. I just wanted to give a reveiw, another great story. 10/10
Lots-of-Little-Pink-Clouds chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
Nice. :)