Reviews for Armageddon
KitKatLovesUT chapter 14 . 2/19
I must have accidentally skipped some Author's note in my absolute eagerness to get on with the story because when I read "Lassie" my brain stuttered into a repeat of "IT'S PSYCH IT'S PSYCH IT'S PSYCH SHAWN SHAWN SHAWN" And I was HAPPILY but COMPLETELY taken off guard! Ahhhhh!
jadeblackheart4 chapter 6 . 2/3/2019
Holy heck
I'm so happy right now
This is BRILLIANT! Pure genius!
Keranovi chapter 1 . 12/5/2018
I’ve read through this entire story and it’s amazing! It’s incredible that you were able to balance so many fandoms and characters, and stay true to these characters at the same time! I’ve never seen such a massive and amazing recollection of The Year than this one, and you really have a wonderful story here!
(P.S. Is this on Ao3?)
Keranovi chapter 65 . 7/3/2018
Okay, a few things to say on this... A) THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST THINGS I HAVE EVER READ! (Seriously, the fact you managed to incorporate all of these different fandoms in here is astounding) Now 2... no, B) WHY DO YOU TORTURE ME WITH HURTING MY PRECIOUS CHILDREN EVEN WHEN TIME WOULD REWRITE ITSELF! (The sobs you got out of me on this...) Now... C) I LOVE THIS AND YOU ARE AN AMAZING WRITER!
Thank you for writing this. It. Is. Amazing. I am a solid Doctor Who fan, and I dabble in some of the other fandoms including Criminal Minds and Sherlock, but this was fantastic. Now I want to see the Doctor striking up a conversation with the Winchesters and explaining that they're actually hunting alien creatures... Poor disbelieving Dean.
Takata chapter 65 . 4/7/2018
I loved this story! Long it may be, true. That alone does not a bad fanfic make.

Considering how hectic your life sounded when you were writing this (and might I take a moment to say I hope you are doing better now) it's a miracle in my eyes that you didn't abandon it altogether! Instead you gave a gritty, somewhat dark page-turner that (as far as I can tell) was true to the shows you borrowed characters from (and considering how many of those there were!).

Many thanks again for a wonderful story!
KMW1968 chapter 65 . 10/4/2017
First of all, I am so sorry for the long delay in posting this review. I was looking again at “Armageddon” and realised I had never posted my review of the final chapter. I assure you I am still very interested in the story.

I am so very sorry that your mental health problems were continuing to plague you during the time that you were struggling to get this final chapter finished and I hope that the 3-4 months which have elapsed since you got “Armageddon” finished have been easier for you.

I like the point made at the beginning of the chapter – that not only does the healing take time, but that things slowly return to a “version of normal”. While it is sad that the characters – with the exception of Reid – are all saying goodbye to the Doctor in this chapter, it is fully understandable. They have their own healing to do, their own lives to lead and their own responsibilities to fulfil.

One character who definitely has responsibilities is Kate, who is certainly right to say that UNIT needs her. It is good to see, however, that she is not too busy to work with Mycroft to clear the names of the Jones family.

I’ve always imagined that the experience of going through the events of “Armageddon” together might bring Francine and Clive closer together. Tish’s determination to return to work so quickly so that she can feel normal again does show her resilience, but I feel that she might find that “normal” is very difficult when she is surrounded by colleagues who know nothing about the Year of Hell and the ordeal she has suffered. Fortunately, she has her parents and Martha for support. Also I am sure that lasting friendships have been formed between Sarah Jane, Kate and the Jones family and that they will be there for each other.

Jack certainly would be missing his team, his little family. Since he was forced to witness Owen’s death and was told about Gwen’s, it is definitely understandable that he should need to see them alive again. Of course he misses Tosh and we all know that he misses Ianto most of all.

Sarah Jane also has responsibilities – particularly towards her son – so it is not surprising that she should decide to leave, that her travelling days are over, for now. I do share Reid’s view that Sarah Jane is the Doctor’s best friend and that they would meet again soon.

For Martha, the choice to leave is not an easy one and it is good that she has Reid to listen as she talks through the pros and cons. In the end, she makes the right choice; her family needs her and she does need to stop nursing a crush on the Doctor.

Reid’s reaction, his reluctance to return at once to 2011 and his team, is thoroughly understandable – he feels that he needs more time to heal in the TARDIS before he can go home and return to “normal”. I do like the fact that Reid is also staying because he doesn’t like the thought of the Doctor being left alone. Jack, Sarah, Martha and Kate may also be concerned about this, but they still leave.

The final scene between Reid and the Doctor is great. Again we see Reid reaching out to comfort the Doctor as he deals with the disappointment of Martha’s departure. Reid does confirm that Martha needed to leave, but that he himself is not ready to leave. The acknowledgement that both the Doctor and the TARDIS are getting restless from being in one place and time for so long is good – as is the spark that Reid is finally seeing in the Doctor. As they agree to pick up Molly Hooper for a trip and go somewhere nice and tropical and make new memories and new friends, both Reid and the Doctor do seem happier. (Mind you, with the Doctor’s record, that nice, tropical place might be anything but). How fitting though, that the scene (and the story) should end with “Allons-y!”

The choice of Molly Hooper as an additional companion surprised me. I suppose, though, why not? She could be there and she could make a good companion. What isn’t clear from what the Doctor says when he talking to Reid about her, is how Molly knows about him. It is true that Molly and Martha meet in Portugal during the Year of Hell and Martha tells Molly about the Doctor then, but after the Year has been reversed, Molly wouldn’t remember that conversation – unless she was one of the extra characters on the Valiant at the end of the Year. An alternative might be that, since a month elapses between the defeat of the Master and Martha saying goodbye to the Doctor and Reid, she could have met and talked to Molly during that time.

Regarding your end note, the important thing is that you have now finished “Armageddon” (and do let off the fireworks) and can take a proper break from it before you even start thinking about the rewrite. I hope you are still taking that break. Much more important than any story is your health and happiness and your priority should be to look after yourself.
Selena92 chapter 65 . 8/17/2017
Wow...awesome! Amazing story and amazing talent. You are a fantastic, brillant writer. The whole story is great and even this last chapter is good, truly. I totally get where you're coming from though. Not in regards to the story, because I still think it's amazing but in regards to mental illness. It's horrible. I myself am currently battling depression (at least thats what the diagnosis says, a doctor recently said he thinks its something different) and I have to say...reading your story, this one and the prequel (apologies for the lack of reviews, I'm having trouble finding the words...or the energy, really) made me feel better. So, thank you so much for writing it. If you ever do come around to revamp this, I'd be very happy to read it, but honestly, you do not have to. The story is great as it is already. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see where you'd take it when not fighting for every word and forcing yourself to do it, do not have to, if you don't want to. This story and the prequel will be in my favorites list and I'll recommend it to others, too. I am absolutely thrilled with Spencer and the Doctor's beautiful friendship and also the other wonderful relationships you created. It's a bit sad, knowing that many of those friendships might never happen. Good idea too, to have Kate, Sarah and Sherlock be part of the few people who remember. Makes sense, too. Of all people to remember, those three were a really good choice. I'd have loved to see the Brig though. He's one of my favourite Doctor Who characters. I was so glad that we could see Wilf and Donna. I absolutely adore those two. Loved Sam and Deanthough I wanted to bang their heads together more than once. Missed Bobby, thoughThankfully, he could see his boys again before the end at least. I liked Adam...a pity he wasn't appearing much in the show- I'd have liked that a lot.
So glad you managed to include Castiel and Gabriel. Michael, Zaccharia (...I'm fairly certain I wrote that name wrong) and Uriel I could have done without though :p
Azazel and Meg, too. Though I did sort of like Meg during the later seasons. Wouldn't have made any sense without all of them, thoughI also really liked how you connected the fandoms and created friendships between the different characters. Again, pity they won't remember. Sort of. Because in truth it's more of a blessing not to have to remember that hellish year. I loved Gibbs and Hotch and their respective teams. Horribly tragic though, to have Hotch loose Hailey, get her back (thank god neither he nor Jack remember her being gone in the first place) only to loose her again not long after to the Reaper. Will zlways wish that never happened. Hailey dying, I mean. Last but not least- Spencer's decision to remain with the Doctor for the time being. It always bothered me, in canon, that the Doctor ended up alone after that horrible year. He shouldn't have been. The poor guy suffered as muchif not more (fairly certain it was more, if I'm to be honestthan anyone else and they just up and leave him. Not that I blame Martha or Jack for their decision. It was understandable. But fact is, like he always does, the Doctor ended up alone and that is so wrong and terribly tragic. So, thank you for fixing that one.
And truly- after the year they've both had, it makes sense they stick together for a while. They need each other to heal (as much as you can heal from all that). Especially since no one else would understand what they're going through. Except for those that also remember, of course. By the way, despite knowing the Master was going to be defeated in the end, the story was suspenseful and unpredictable all the way through and you had me well and truly hooked from start to finish (talking about the prequel and this one, too). Again, even at the risk of sounding repetitive...thank you very very much for this wonderful amazing, brilliant story! It and "Beauty, the Beast" will always stay close to my heart and I'll surely read them again more than once. I'll be looking out for a sequel (if you ever write one, no pressure, I don't expect you to) and/or the revamp. I wish you the best and that you'll beat this illness...or at last learn to live with it in a way that makes you enjoy and truly embrace life. As much as you can anyway...gah, I'm rambling, sorry.
Anyway, wish you the best and take care of yourself.
Guest chapter 65 . 7/11/2017
This was SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOD! Will you make a sequel?
Christy - Flare chapter 65 . 6/11/2017
Totally understand about the mental illness thing. I spent about two years in a depression that was buoyed a bit by the medication I was on (and still am years later). Lots of sleeping and mindless computer games during that time. Totally get it about the lack of motivation. I hope you found some medication that works for you and doesn't cause nasty side effects, 'cause it helps, a lot.

As for the story, considering the number of fandoms crammed into it, it was better than mediocre writing; it was just too long. If there is a revamp, I'll only read it if there's a sequel as well, so I can brush up on what happened.

That said, the story itself is good enough that I still remember stuff about it years later, so that's impressive!
padfootl0ve chapter 65 . 6/11/2017
I was so glad to see the update! Even if it was short, it was good. Remember to try to take care of yourself- I would much rather that than anything else. I've struggled with my own mental health before, so I know how hard it is sometimes. You are fantastic, just remember that.
Guest chapter 65 . 6/11/2017
I'd like to start this off with the simple fact that you have no obligation towards continuing this story at a snappy pace. Of course we all love fast updates, but we can certainly wait a bit for your genius.

And it really is genius. You stuck with this story for a wopping FIVE YEARS, how amazing is that.

I love how you've brought up the idea of the Doctor and Spencer picking up Molly before returning to the BAU. Spencer has changed so much over that terrible year that it would've been weird to throw him back into the game so abruptly.

I'm not very eloquent so sorry about that, but I'd like to say that you are a truly brilliant writer and person to be able to persevere through all of your hard ships to bring this beautiful masterpiece to light. I certainly would've given up and I admire you so much.

Your just so great... There are no words.
I hope to be able to see more of your writing, no matter how inaduacate (sorry can't spell) you think it may be, 'cause in my opinion all of this is amazing and has only brought me happiness (and of course the occasional tear, or laugh).

Even if its in six months to six years I will be here to read whatever your brilliant mind comes up with; whether that be a rewrite of this masterpiece or a completely different plotline. See you next time you brilliant author!

P.S. Don't forget to take care of your needs before fan fiction. Your amazing and all your readers love you! 3 :)
IWishIHadATurtle chapter 64 . 4/9/2017
Reading your story was an amazing way to procrastinate. It sure was a wild ride, I only started reading about a week ago, thankfully it's sprig break.

Your writing is truly exquisite, it takes a tremendous amount of skill to handle as many characters as you did and not rip away their personalities.

I love how you added a bunch of characters who will remember their ordeal. Especially Spencer! How is he going to handle going back to 2011 with all those horible memories which none of his team share? And I'm extremely curious as to what happened in his past with the eleventh doctor. And if he'll meet him again.

I really hope you'll resolve most of my question, (hopefully in a sequel), but if you do, you have to take your time. I know I'll stick around until the very end, even if I have to wait a decade. But really, don't stress over this! You have no obligation to us readers as your giving us this truly amazing gift.

You deserve so much more than my measly review, but it's all I have I'm afraid...

But, Bravo! And I hope to hear from you soon!
KMW1968 chapter 64 . 7/24/2016
I am delighted to see Chapter 64 being posted and am sorry to hear about the problems of the past year. I hope that they will soon be past and that the next 12 months are much better for you than the last.

I do like the title for this final section. As you say, “The Long Road Home” captures better both the trauma of the “Year of Hell” and the process of recovery.

It is certainly good to start Chapter 64 with a scene which follows on directly from the final scene in Chapter 63. Since Chapter 63 ended with the death of the Master, it seems right to continue with the immediate aftermath of that – with the reaction of the Doctor and with the reactions of the survivors of the Valiant both to the death of the Master and to the reaction of the Doctor. The description of the stunned silence at the start of the chapter is good. This is how the survivors would react, I’m sure, confused, exhausted and not knowing what to think, feel, say or do.

It is very much in keeping with Reid prominent role in the story, that it should be Reid who “breaks the spell” by putting a hand on the Doctor’s shoulder. While the Doctor has saved everyone, it is Reid who has provided comfort, reassurance and company for the Doctor for most of the Year of Hell – just as the Doctor has provided comfort reassurance and company for him.

The conversation between Reid and Kate about Lucy is very good. Both show their compassion for her. Lucy obviously has the greatest need for the help which the UNIT psychiatrists can provide, but Kate does have a point when she suggests that the other survivors might need some help from the UNIT psychiatrists as well. Reid’s reaction to that is very understandable, though given his family background, and it is not at all surprising that he would decide not to speak to any stranger about the Year of Hell. I suspect that Reid would not be the only one among the survivors to say “no thanks” to the offer of help from UNIT psychiatrists. I suspect that several of them would feel that only fellow survivors could really understand what they had been through.

It is surely a good indication of just how traumatic the Year of Hell was, that Reid takes a little while to appreciate just how much turmoil is caused by the fact that, as far as the population of the planet is concerned, the US President has just been assassinated and also that Martha should need reminding of the fact that “Harold Saxon” called her and her family terrorists.

You don’t say much about the cover stories that will have to be put in place both to deal with the fallout of the assassination and to clear the names of the Jones family. That is a pity, because I have been wondering what the survivors on the Valiant could say. They can hardly tell the truth after all. Making it clear that Kate and UNIT, Jack, the Doctor are all involved in working on the cover stories and that Mycroft will be involved – particularly in clearing the names of the Jones family - is good, however. At least those issues are being addressed rather than practically ignored as they were in the episode.

I don’t find it surprising that Sherlock is interested in K-9 (although it does seem rather odd that he should apparently be more interested in K-9 when he is in pieces, than when he was fully functional). Nor am I surprised that he is interested in looking round the UNIT Base. That he should disappear without bothering to say goodbye is also unsurprising. What I do find surprising is that he should opt not to return to the TARDIS in the evening with the Doctor, Reid, Martha and Jack. While both K-9 and the UNIT Base are certainly of interest, surely Sherlock would be most interested in looking round the TARDIS.

I like the first of the two scenes set in the TARDIS. Tish, Francine and Clive preparing a meal together in the TARDIS kitchen, feels like the start of a return to normality for them (even if the TARDIS is anything but normal), but the effects of the trauma can be seen in the way they carefully watch each other.

It is very much in keeping with the Doctor’s feelings of guilt that he should disappear to the console room rather than share in the meal. It is also very much in keeping with Reid’s role as the one who provides comfort and reassurance for the Doctor, that he should be the one to follow the Doctor, talk to him and bring him back to the kitchen so that he can share in the meal.

The conversation between Reid and the Doctor is good. As usual, the Doctor at first tries to deny that anything is wrong with him, but Reid calls him on that. I am glad that Reid puts the Doctor right on his feelings of guilt. The Doctor didn’t drag Reid and Martha anywhere; they wanted to go. The Doctor is not to blame for the Year of Hell and should not take that on his conscience. I’m glad that the Doctor does go back to the kitchen and participates in the shared meal, even if he doesn’t eat much. As Reid reflects, it is a start to the healing.

The brief scene between Michael and Zachariah was interesting and unexpected. I am definitely surprised that Michael ordered Zachariah not to interfere with Castiel’s rescue mission, although, as Michael points out, they have more important matters to attend to. I would have expected indifference on Michael’s part – not orders one way or another. A particularly interesting point is Michael’s comment that Castiel’s slightly rebellious streak could come in handy when the angels have to deal with the Winchesters directly.

The slight sense of relief from the angels contrasts nicely with the frustration and anger of Azazel at the restoration of the correct timeline as the demons were definitely benefitting from the timeline presided over by the Master. Now all the deals the demons made with humans during the Year of Hell are void and that includes, most annoyingly for Azazel, Dean’s deal. Crowley’s calmness, on the other hand, hints at the possibility (already hinted when he gave Sam the loophole over betraying Martha) that Crowley may not be very displeased at the turn of events and that he may have his own agenda. Crowley’s insight (with which Azazel eventually agrees) that Dean will sell his soul again is chilling. Azazel’s reflection that “those Winchesters were practically lining themselves up to be on the hook” seems so true, unfortunately.

That Reid should have nightmares about the Master and the Year of Hell is to be expected – even in the safety of the restored TARDIS. In fact, I would expect all the survivors on the Valiant to have nightmares – even Sherlock.

It’s a relief that Kate and Mycroft have found Leo and are keeping him safe until he can be reunited with his family. I wonder how Kate and Mycroft – and later Martha, Francine, Clive and Tish will explain matters to Leo. I have speculated about how isolating it will be for the survivors on the Valiant to be among people who don’t remember the Year of Hell. Leo will be isolated in a different way as he is the only member of his family NOT to be a survivor on the Valiant.

The conversation between Martha and Reid is really good. There is poignancy in their confession to each other that they both find it difficult to truly believe that the whole ordeal is really over. I like the different ways Reid and Martha express their difficulty in believing that it is really all over. I like Reid’s admission that he can’t get “the torture, the fear” out of his head and that it “feels like he’s hiding behind every wall. Waiting.” This contrasts well with Martha’s feeling that it is all a dream:

“Seeing them all, my family. The Doctor. You. It’s like a dream. I keep expecting to wake up in some broken down safehouse, surrounded by hollowed out people who barely know what hope is anymore …”

She took a deep breath. “But it’s over and we won. All that’s left now is for us to move on. Heal. Recover.”

Martha’s final line in the chapter sums up the situation so well, but it is certainly easier said than done.
HHumbleRN chapter 4 . 7/22/2016
Excited to start seeing some crossover characters. And poor Reid. He thinks this is all gonna be over soon because of his knowledge of the future. I'm afraid he's gonna be in for a rude awakening...
HHumbleRN chapter 2 . 7/22/2016
I'm FINALLY starting this story! Yay! So, it may take me a while to get through it because it is massive know, real life gets in the way...but these first 2 chapters were great.

Chapter 1: I about died laughing when Jack was flirting with Reid! And he called Reid PRETTY BOY...loved that. I think you captured his character wonderfully.

Also, dying to know what Reid went through with the Future Doctor (Eleven, I'm assuming?). He also obviously knows Jack but I can't remember when Jack and Eleven were together...or could it have been on Torchwood (I've only seen a few TW episodes at the moment). Anyways, really looking forward to the whole story with Reid's headaches.

Chapter 2: "Beauty and brains, huh, Spence?"...again, love the flirting.

I'd love to see Reid and River interacting. I see more flirting with Reid happening there lol.

There were so many little things in this chapter that hint to how well Reid actually knows The, with his comment to Martha about the hand and all the other scary things he can do. And Reid obviously knows way too much about The Master already...I guess he's had the 'pleasure' of his company already.

Great job!
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