Reviews for The Return
whrr.trudy chapter 8 . 1/8/2014
I really enjoyed your story, shame it ended... I hope someday you find the muse to continue it! :)
Marvey4 chapter 8 . 1/6/2014
That chapter made me more curious than before. Why did Alistair summon Tyran and Sara? Which Awakening characters will be "paired" with Hawke's party? Is Anders going to appear again? I certainly hope you update soon.
spectre4hire chapter 8 . 1/4/2014
I was really pleased to see an update for this.

I'm glad you're continuing this story.

So the past relationship between Cousland and Isabela was confirmed in this chapter, I wonder if that will be further addressed in the story.

Varric explaining Bianca to Sigrun was great.

Curious with what awaits Hawke and Cousland on the road and in Denerim.

Thanks for sharing,

lazyguy90 chapter 8 . 1/3/2014
Nice work on this.

I can't wait to see exactly what kind of craziness will soon follow in Hawke and Tyran's wake. They're both magnets for trouble. Knowing their luck, once they reach Denerim they'll have to fight off a new Archdemon and Blight, the Qunari, the Tevinter Imperium and the Templars. At the same time.

Keep at it.
Mike3207 chapter 8 . 1/3/2014
I hope things go well in Denerim for the Warden and Hawke.

I never thought the Warden Cousland was that close to marrying Delilah. I was under the impression the two hated each other.
Ronin Kenshin chapter 7 . 12/20/2013
wow this is a great fic hope ya finish it great work
T chapter 7 . 7/14/2013
Just found this story and I'm loving it so far. Can't wait to read more. Update soon please.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/4/2013
I've enjoyed this fanfiction a great deal and wish you would continue it.
Ghosthands chapter 7 . 6/25/2013
Really enjoying this. Too few fics like this one. Enjoyable and believable characters with a good plot.

Keep it up. Can't wait for more.
lazyguy90 chapter 7 . 6/6/2013
Nice work on this.

Keep at it.
Emile-A239 chapter 7 . 5/24/2013
I have to agree with what the commander said to anders (if they reflect your views that is) and I found myself literally saying out loud as the chantry exploded, 'dear god anders! Why?! what purpose does this fucking serve in liberating mages?! if anything you've gotten them all killed for no reason!' anyway, great story I don't want to be a warhawke but I'm thirsty for a bit of caelyd blood if you would indulge.
Guest chapter 7 . 5/1/2013
Update. This is a very enjoyable story and it would be a shame to let it go to waste.
Sam chapter 7 . 3/29/2013
Pure awesomeness!
Hawk2012 chapter 7 . 3/26/2013
I really enjoyed the strory so far looking forward to your next update
Ayakashi chapter 7 . 3/18/2013
I really like this story, and your writing is very good. I'm confused about one thing; is this a pairing story with Sara and Tyran? Anyway, I hope you update soon.
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