Reviews for Things to Remember and Things to Forget
ForgotMyPassword chapter 3 . 3/13/2015
There arnt a lot of good fanfics out there, but this is one of them! I really hope you update soon because this is very well written!
Robinbird0 chapter 3 . 1/5/2014
please do more on this fanfiction this is very good and I am enjoying it very much.

From Robinbird0
Lady of Phantomhive chapter 3 . 5/17/2013
Aww, I really wanted to read more! This story seems so cute, I love the pairing of Lovino and Antonio, and I'm just DYING to know what happened with that other family. If you continue this story, I'll be the first to read it!
Fix-it Feli chapter 3 . 9/12/2012
how do you not have more reviews? this is an amazing story so far! the way you write the characters, it's just so rare to see a story like that; where the characters aren't idiotic and generic and everything, but instead relatable and have an actual personality. great job! i bow to you, author.

i also love your detail, and your dialogue too... and the plot and just... everything! i cant wait until the next chapter! amazing job, author, amazing job!
CodeLyoko chapter 3 . 6/8/2012
Awwww, I loved how Feliciano just ran across the street to pet the dogs, hehe!
eyelashonmycheekFreckleDot chapter 2 . 6/8/2012
Another wonderful chapter! I am really enjoying this story. Okay so I’ll start with Feliciano, “But even the most optimistic people will become jaded in one way or another.” I love this line. I just agree with it 110%. I love how you’ve developed his character. I know I’ve already said it but I just couldn’t leave that line alone.

The goodbye to Ms Rinaldi was very sweet and I’m glad we got to see it because I liked her character and that scene showed a little more to her personality than we saw earlier! And I love how honest Feliciano while still meaning well. And then I love how excited he gets when he finds out he’s getting on a plane and going to America. I need to stop talking about Feliciano now! I love him and think you portray him very, very well!

I love, love, love Antonio and Lovino’s interactions. They’re so funny together. I love that the first thing Antonio says to Feliciano is already embarrassing for poor Lovino. The misunderstanding about the boyfriend/friend thing was really cute too. I’ve not often seen those in fanfiction and I think it adds a lot more realism (as well as being adorable and funny here).

And then later on when they’re arguing about how loud Antonio is? I loved the way that flowed, it was very good.

I have more questions now too! When and why did Lovino ‘flake out’ before? (And I laughed when Feliciano said, “It sounds like something you should see a doctor about.”)

Feliciano saying thanks was really sweet and then Lovino’s answer makes me think he feels really guilty, so it’s making me ask all those questions again!
Orithyea chapter 3 . 6/7/2012
I'm loving every chapter. Everyone is in character and I love how you portray Feliciano.

Germany has entered the story! I look forward to his and Feliciano's interactions.
lafayette722 chapter 3 . 6/7/2012
So far this sounds very interesting! I enjoy how in character everyone seems and I can't wait to see what is going to happen next!
Fabylou55 chapter 3 . 6/7/2012
Ve that was great! I can't wait for the rest! Please write soon! I just love puppies too! Lolz!
Crysagi-Chan chapter 3 . 6/7/2012
eyelashonmycheekFreckleDot chapter 1 . 6/7/2012
You have the most beautiful writing style! It flows very nicely and some of the sentences are just so wonderful, “Long nights spent by the fireplace, lulled to sleep by the gentle strumming of a guitar.” I think it’s the way you write Feliciano. I think you have a nice balance of his character. He still acts like Feliciano, he’s still mostly optimistic and seems not to be able to stop what he wants to say, but he is more subdued, which is understandable, considering his background in this story.

There is so much tension just in this first chapter. It builds up really nicely from the beginning with fleeting comments, “Feliciano would rather have been rejected one hundred times over than have to be adopted by anyone like them again.” And then by the end of the chapter with the argument we start to see a little more of the bigger picture unravelling and we can see that there is a lot we don’t know about these characters yet. That’s definitely going to keep me reading!

I adore the ending with Ms. Rinaldi and Lovino! In fact, I really liked Ms. Rinaldi’s character. She seems like an Italian Professor McGonagall type of person! I also love how passionate Lovino is during that argument and your description of him, “the same soft features as Feliciano, but slightly worn as if with anger and contempt.” Perfect!

Goodness, the tension! I have so many questions already! Who was that horrible family? What did they do to Feliciano? Why didn’t Lovino come to get Feliciano eight months ago?

One last thing, “Was he really so awful that everyone thought even his own brother wouldn't love him?” This line broke my heart right in two!

I looked through for mistakes but I didn’t see anything except maybe, “There was still two more years he'd have to spend in foster care.” I don’t know, but maybe it should be “there *were* still two more years he’d have to spend in foster care.” Other than that (and I’m not even sure if that is wrong or not) I didn’t find anything else! And that was nitpicky anyway '
Charlotte64 chapter 2 . 6/7/2012
Great! The story is on the roll! You left so many tiny hints here, I am really curious about it now!

Lovino flaked out? Did he contact the orphanage long ago? what will Feli say, when that gets out. Suspense!

Ok, I wait patiently.
Queen Umbugartus chapter 2 . 6/6/2012
This is very good. I look forward to more!
permantentlyorphanedaccount chapter 2 . 6/6/2012
Wow, I am baffled as to why this fic doesn't have more reviews.

So I'll just give you another one.

Okay, first of all, that chapter was absolutely adorable. I loved it. Really. Even more than the last. Eveyone was so perfectly in-character (especially Antonio, the way you write him is brilliant.) The dialog flows really well too, just like an actual conversation. And the part when Feliciano was confused about people thinking that Lovi and Antion's 'friendship' was gross was hilarious.

Basically, I have nothing bad to say about this chapter.

Great work once again!
Charlotte64 chapter 1 . 6/5/2012
Hi there!

When you started your chapter with the A/N about the translated Italien texts I was very glad to read that. Really, there is nothing bad about writing accents in direct speach, or single words and short common expressions in different languages. But sometimes I wished everyone would take the same approach you do (if you know what I mean. I hereby officially declare, I hate the use of google translate in stories!)

Anyway, the first chapter makes a very promising start and gets me hooked at once. Together with your description that makes me believe you have some plot laid out at least in your mind, I have hight hopes you can continue soon. Pretty please?
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