Reviews for Normalcy Undone
Vader chapter 44 . 5/24/2016
I love the dries but here are some thoughts Francis should be more appropriate Ibsen should become a werewolf or a vampire to save his life and at the end isben sheza should sleep with each other with discription to give it a bit of mature only stuff well those are my thoughts please make chapter45 soon
Draco Oblivion chapter 29 . 1/15/2016
Haha the bathing scene, nice . I also love that she and Francis have the same opinion of his arse xD
Haha they have adorable banter! It's why I said they were the best pair after Petraeus and Ivor
Draco Oblivion chapter 44 . 1/15/2016
Damn, almost justifies their fear of magic... Or I guess they could be like any other intelligent species and try to understand what it is they fear so they will be able to overcome it
Draco Oblivion chapter 43 . 1/15/2016
Huh, nice for all the characters to have met now and once again Isben is playing matchmaker. I do wonder if the imperial knows anything about him
Draco Oblivion chapter 42 . 1/15/2016
Damn, and things were going so well... Maybe if he becomes a werewolf? I'm sure Hircine would prefer the dragonborn as a hunter than as prey...
Draco Oblivion chapter 40 . 1/15/2016
I am starting to see Vidar as a bit more than an annoyance
Father eh? Isn't he jumping the gun a bit? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy. I'm just surprised he could say it without squealing and blushing
Draco Oblivion chapter 39 . 1/15/2016
I wouldn't classify them as beastfolk unless they were originally Khajitt or Argonian but I'd say they were still human
Honestly Nuel is making such an obvious play for rule, can you please cut him down already!
Draco Oblivion chapter 38 . 1/15/2016
Really want Isben to take on Vidar again, he annoys me
Draco Oblivion chapter 37 . 1/15/2016
Haha so the Elliot he sent for also just so happens to have 'his' Ariel bound to him in the form of a magelight, interesting. The guy sounds like scum though so fingers crossed he won't be the main villain in the story. Fingers crossed he'll die soon
Draco Oblivion chapter 36 . 1/15/2016
Hahaha I thought it'd been Ivor that scared him off. I love that he is the one that killed the fox Dagfinn came from xD
Wooooo! Shezben ftw! And Petrivor! And PetraXTangledKnotWhoEverTheyAre!
Draco Oblivion chapter 35 . 1/15/2016
"Why grill ears when you can bake them?" God, she isn't helping xD
Damn the will they won't they is so frustrating but at the same time annoyingly captivating
Draco Oblivion chapter 34 . 1/15/2016
Finally Vimund sets him on the right path (even though he can't seem to acknowledge his own prejudice regarding magic) I'm glad Isben's wisened up. To be fair to him though, even though I love wolves I doubt I'd be able to not be afraid of a werewolf transforming in front of me, especially if they'r covered in the blood of their enemies
Draco Oblivion chapter 33 . 1/15/2016
Aw, can't believe I didn't even think that it could be her. Early on I kept thinking that it would happen but now, I couldn't even imagine that she'd take the beast form in front of her friends. Makes sense why she was so agitated as well but God do I hate Ritta and Nuel and what Ivor is becoming! Still have no idea what is going on with the Breton? Did she just want to rape him? Is she a vampire? Maybe she's already with the Brotherhood but decided she didn't feel like killing him right then?
Draco Oblivion chapter 32 . 1/15/2016
Huh, Ivor or the knot pack? Sheza and Isben were soooo cute this chapter, and her being all quiet after finding out he'd outlive a Nord was adorkable. That's the main awkwardness I feel in interacial relationships on skyrim, seems (if you can help it) a relationship where you'll outlive your partner and children is more hardship than necesarry :/
Draco Oblivion chapter 31 . 1/14/2016
WOOOOOOO! It is finally happening! Petrivor for the win!
Aw I thought the issues with the Dragons in his head might go away but it looks like he's stuck with them
Ugh, he wasn't in the same pack as Lavina (or whatever her name was) was he? :/
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