Reviews for Through Danny Phantom
Jean d chapter 96 . 12/8/2018
great talk on nuclear just got to stop putting them on or near costlines.
Auua Ytjoml chapter 123 . 4/23/2015
I can actually see this
Auua Ytjoml chapter 111 . 4/23/2015
the story's down here twice, fyi

really cool musings, hints and teasings. the style and flow of the writing was very well chosen to fit the topic and character in question.
Auua Ytjoml chapter 90 . 4/23/2015
so how did you all dedide to get together and how did you all decide to post under just /your/ account?
Auua Ytjoml chapter 91 . 4/23/2015
i love this! sides of the same coin you said? even in this short little blurb I can tell that these are great OCs!
Auua Ytjoml chapter 79 . 4/23/2015
this. is. Hil-arious!
Auua Ytjoml chapter 32 . 4/23/2015
seriously creepy this one
Auua Ytjoml chapter 9 . 4/23/2015
am i the only one who superimposes the Pokemon theme song ending over the DP theme chorus? "Gonna catch em all, gonna catch em all, pokemon!"
StarlightWhovian chapter 119 . 10/9/2014
I wondered about this too. I just assumed that Youngblood had turned the corner or turned invisible-invisible by the time they looked.
StarlightWhovian chapter 115 . 10/9/2014
Awwww! Fits perfectly with canon, and it's close (almost scarily so) to the real world.
I hate it when others try to force their religion on someone else. Or when they tell them that they should only practice it in private. And not just religion, either. It's like this:
"I would like to order a slice of cake please."
*Guy from the next booth over with kids.* "Excuse me, please cancel that order. I don't want my kids to see you eating cake, because then they will want some. And that is frowned upon."
To the jerk father in example:
A.) Quit being a jerk and let the person eat his/her cake! As long as they aren't being obnoxious and trying to force YOU to eat the cake, or eating loudly/annoyingly, then you have no right to tell them what to do!
2.) Also, who wouldn't want cake?! :?
StarlightWhovian chapter 114 . 10/9/2014
StarlightWhovian chapter 112 . 10/9/2014
VERY well done! Thoroughly enjoyable, and nice character focus! I love how you got inside the head of Jack, and we got to learn things about Masters that we didn't know from the show. Though, why didn't anyone question why Danny had disappeared for two weeks? Even during a time like that, I'm sure his parents would want to keep tabs on their children at all times.
StarlightWhovian chapter 111 . 10/9/2014
Whoa... O.O
Kind of an odd coincidence I was listening to '39 as I read this.
StarlightWhovian chapter 109 . 10/9/2014
Dangit Danny! Not during the meteor shower!
StarlightWhovian chapter 108 . 10/9/2014
Totally Sam on that one.
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