Reviews for The Life and Times of a Winning Pony
Saita the Kirin chapter 1 . 5/23/2015
Hahahaha I can't help but be bewitched by cloudkicker as well XD thank you AnYpony for recommending this fanfic
Mobile Reader chapter 17 . 7/17/2014
The whole story is on fimfiction, but not here? Boo.

I use an offline reader to download from , but one doesn't exist for fimfiction..

I'm going to upload the entire story myself to just so I can download it to my phone...

Not that you're likely to read this, since you haven't even posted the last chapters here, but whatever. Fair warning and all that. I'll leave it up until I get a message from you to take it down.
FlawedVictori chapter 17 . 12/14/2013
Reread the fic, can't wait for a new chapter. Truly a wonderful fic.
PKMN37 chapter 1 . 10/31/2013
I'm already a few chapters in and wanted to say that this is a great story. I didn't have the chance to review before, but now that I do, I just wanted to say that I look forward to reading what happens next.
Tostada chapter 6 . 10/12/2013
Wow, that interaction between Rarity and AJ was probably the best thing I've ever read.
FlawedVictori chapter 1 . 8/12/2013
Few snags, but I Love the fic overall, can't wait for the next chapter.
mlpfan chapter 17 . 6/7/2013
after these past two chapters i can say with absolute certainty that you have a talent for luring a reader in, hooking them and getting them so into the story that they can completely empathize with the characters. i truly felt the gravity of what was going on the entire time i was reading.
JimVan chapter 17 . 4/3/2013
Well, sorry I haven't reviewed for so long. Truly, I am, because I really loved this. The story taking a long sweep from a relaxed laugh-riot to a dead serious, vengeance-driven family battle was an unexpected and most delicious twist. With all of the grief driving Cloud Kicker over the edge, who knows how many rules she'll end up breaking after she gave into weakness with Blossomforth. It only figures that after she'd managed to sort out one issue in her life - Eepysqueak - then something else would turn up to royally screw up her life again. C'est la vie, Cloudy!

Anyway, from beginning to end, the final decision to return Blossomforth's feelings...obviously a mistake from the beginning if Cloud Kicker was hoping to prevent more melodrama, as we could see from Derpy's loss of control and jealousy in Fluttershy's home afterwards. Unfortunate Dinky and Alula got caught up in that too. It's obvious to everyone, including Cloud Kicker, the whole love affair has gotten way out of, hoof. It saddened me slightly to see her end things permanently with Fluttershy. Though I understood why it was a good thing, it would have made them both extremely happy and undone all the wrongs of the past, and Blossomforth and Derpy might at least have had an easier time accepting defeat by Eepysqueak as compared to each other, since they were both aware of her significance in CK's life.

And then, POW! The whole story-shaking lost mom arc that throws everything out of frame and suddenly everyone is on CK's side again, with her not quite sure what to make of it. The whole discovery of incriminating evidence and the 'doody' to kill prose was high in emotion and gripping to read. Beautifully done. Well-described battle scene and jaw-dropping twist at the end too (I guessed it was an impostor from the first reference to "Queen", but still, very well played with regards to attaching the fic to canon).

And now, CK's all bent out of shape with her mom's death and coaxed Blossomforth in a moment of need - probably about the worst circumstances to introduce her to the physical side of things...or not. Depends how Blossom feels in the morning and what she expects afterwards, I suppose.

Anyway, I really enjoy the fic. Please keep updating as often as you can. It's a testament to your genius and skill at creating gripping plots that have made the Winningverse so popular and gathered all the fanart and accompanying Winningverse fics as well. Keep up the good work!
Featherstone180 chapter 15 . 2/9/2013
Wow. Just wow
Insomnia3337 chapter 4 . 2/8/2013
I don't normally read my little pony stuff. I actually only like fanfiction of it occasionally,I prefer Pokemon and kingdom hearts as my geared toward children enjoyment . But this chapter had me thinking of reading more of your stuff. Mainly because of the mass effect reference. That made me laugh so hard.
mlpfan chapter 15 . 2/2/2013
...You did it again. My mind is blown. Can't even put how much I liked this chapter into words.
Mr. Williams chapter 15 . 1/31/2013
This sounds like a trap. What if the evidence was planted there by a enemy spy to get cloud kicker out of ponyville they can capture her too. Then they have two prisoners instead of one to barter with.
C chapter 14 . 1/16/2013
That scene with Rainbow Dash and CK, complete and total understanding between one another. Well, maybe not on Dash's side but - damn, it shows how well they know one another; how good friends they've become. Plus it was pretty hilarious to read.

Also, the way you wrapped things up with Fluttershy, there are no words. And I mean that. All I can say is that I think you executed that perfectly. I can't think of anything else to add to that.

We may have Fluttershy resolved, but! Being the cruel author that you are, you've dropped another bombshell on us. Again, I can't wait to see what will happen next so here's to looking forward to it. Cheers.
MiathiBlue chapter 14 . 1/15/2013
The feels!
I love this story :) I've found nothing elses like it anywhere!
mlpfan chapter 14 . 1/11/2013
A-freaking-mazing! you just keep making the story better and better. i can't possibly fathom how you can top this but somehow i know that you will. awesome job!
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