Reviews for The Puppetmaster
marjoriefoster chapter 9 . 9/9/2018
Great story!
Guest chapter 9 . 6/6/2016
Very good job !
AriesReign chapter 9 . 12/30/2015
This was a wonderfully creative story with well written original bad guys and an acurate depiction of the characters we know and love. I throughly enjoyed it. I hope you decide to continue writing and I look forward to reading any of your future works.
SunnyIce unlog chapter 9 . 10/22/2014
I really enjoyed your story. The writing was good (except the fact that you left out the marks such as "Kensi's" completely) and the storyline suspending till the end. The bad guy was very well written and you left no plot-holes, so yes, I guess except the fact that it should be rated M for the violence mentioned you wrote a story you can be proud of ;-)
SPN4eva556 chapter 9 . 6/16/2014
Wow, just wow. Awesome story! Truly thrilling, and while I kinda knew it was gonna have a happy ending, I was still on the edge of my seat for what was going to happen next with every chapter. Poor, poor Deeks! Enjoyed every word of this story!
Blps22 chapter 9 . 1/2/2014
interesting i enjoyed reading this it was very in character for everyone which i enjoy reading
callmesandy chapter 9 . 7/23/2013
I really enjoyed this!
ImpactedJudgment chapter 9 . 12/14/2012
This chapter was almost all Densi! :)

Great job! And so many new things could happen at this point. Deeks and his sister, Deeks as an agent, Deeks and Kensi exploring their relationship outside partnership. Eeek!
ImpactedJudgment chapter 8 . 12/14/2012

Wow, so brave of you to go there. Applause, applause!
ImpactedJudgment chapter 7 . 12/14/2012
Aww poor baby! :(

All I can think of is what will happen if Quaide sees Kensi from the camera pin! :0

Eeek! So many ways this could go, especially for the sister!
ImpactedJudgment chapter 6 . 12/14/2012
Ha! Yes, the team has finally caught on. Now it's gonna be even more intense!

You've made this fast-paced and exciting! :)
ImpactedJudgment chapter 5 . 12/14/2012
I keep thinking there are several things Deeks could do to get help. But then there's the camera pin that enables Quaide to see his every move so none of them work.

Poor Deeks! He's doing everything he knows he shouldn't to save someone he loves. :(
ImpactedJudgment chapter 4 . 12/14/2012
Hmm, psycho guy is obviously not as smart as he thinks he is. Which is working out just fine for the benefit of the good guys. Well, as fine as things can be in this situation...

Go Kensi! I love her defensive of Deeks. She's brilliant that way!

Aww they both can't help but continue thinking of each other, so sweet!

Also...where is Nell? Hehe are you keeping her out purposely? ;)
ImpactedJudgment chapter 3 . 12/14/2012
Awww, so sad!

Poor Kensi... Poor Deeks... Poor my heart!

What a lovely description of the pic Deeks had of Kensi on his phone. :)

This was a good emotional set-up. Like I said, great job at conveying the characters' feelings!
ImpactedJudgment chapter 2 . 12/14/2012
Ooh this is a fresh idea. Someone coming after Deeks for his actions during his time as a lawyer!

For some reason, Deeks kicking the packet into his apartment as opposed to picking it up made me giggle - very Deeks-like. :)

Awww poor our shaggy cutie! :(
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