Reviews for Claimed Innocence
Seriously chapter 5 . 1/6/2018
Congrats, you managed to make everyone into really awful people. You've made Ino more of a selfish bitch than she actually is in the manga, you've made Sasuke more of a sexist asshat, and you've made Sakura more of a weak-willed useless girl who merely pretends to be a strong warrior woman.

Like, hot damn, it takes some talent to make their characters worse than even their worst moments in the manga or anime. I'm honestly impressed by just how unlikable you've managed to make the entire crew.
Elly chapter 6 . 12/15/2017
Ok. I said sasuke was slightly ooc in chap 5 ... Only coz i hadn't yet read chap 6.
Emotional Sasuke is not ooc actually... Talkative Sasuke is
It's ok. I'll take into consideration that this fic was written before the manga ended. So, I'll give you a pass.

I liked the plot tho. If only you tweaked Sasuke's reactions a bit more so it would've aligned with canon.
I'll forgive you. This fic was written earlier... Even before the manga ended.

Sasuke was in character when he was angry, jealous, confused, inquiring, and... He would've been in character if you altered and lessened his dialogues a bit. Sasuke is a caring dude. His past and ignorance just really hinders him from function like a normal social creature... But deep inside, I think he has feelings that his words just can't express because of his past. It shows at times (his thoughts and feelings)... In the flicker of his eyes or his momentary facial expressions, until he composes himself and let's out a few words that, for some reason, explains everything.
Elly chapter 5 . 12/15/2017
Great writing. I think everyone was in character throughout the story. I like the uniwue plot and I love the character interactions in this fic.

The only moment in this fic where I felt a character was slightly ooc was a small scene in chapter 5.
My tiny constructive criticism about chapter 5: Sasuke's confession and apology was a bit ooc.

I honestly think Sasuke is slightly, slightly more composed than how he's portrayed here. In canon, even when he decides to open up, his confessions are concise; he only ever let's out a few but meaningful words.
Tbf he's only only slightly ooc in this chapter with the confession. He should have spoke less, should have had a more well thought out but meaningful few dialogues, and you shouldve written him to express more facial expressions that he couldn't hold back.

He tries to keep silent, not exactly knowing how he feels or what to call it, but his expression can't hold back the hurt he feels and it tells the feelings he doesn't know how to express . I think his actions would've betrayed him more than his words. When his mouth is shut, his eyes speak. Until finally, he let's out a few words without exactly thinking but allowing those few words to describe how he honestly felt.

Juz my honest thoughts on how this chapter should've played out.

I still love it tho. I love this story. You're still a better writter than me and I appreciate you for writting an enjoyable story.
Ji Hyun1 chapter 6 . 12/3/2017
Wow, I love it! I really love jealous Sasuke! !
You did so well!
alinefgs chapter 6 . 5/15/2017
Adorei essa fic embora eu acho que ino deveria ter um castigo melhor do que isso né bjs
someone chapter 5 . 4/10/2016
sasuke is tooo ooc in this lmaoooo
Eeeeemoo chapter 6 . 8/11/2015
I guess i liked it but holy crap i really hate ino here
Wusel-chan chapter 6 . 7/6/2015
I think Sasuke wasn't too OOC when he was proposing. It was really adorable. Reminds me of my own story, even though mine was not even barely as romantic as yours, but that is because I stick to the manga very strictly. :3
So for your own story, it ended very well. I just wonder if Genma ever found his own happiness. XD
Wusel-chan chapter 5 . 7/6/2015
The last scene was too short. I hoped to read more details, because I waiting for this moment to happen.
Wusel-chan chapter 4 . 7/6/2015
I don't like the idea of her saying that she never want to see him again. Even as he insulted and hurt her, that was quite out of character for her to say those meaningful words after all what happened in the past.
Wusel-chan chapter 3 . 7/6/2015
Did Sasuke put a genjutsu onto all others except the Konoha twelve or everyone? I'm a bit confused. _
Wusel-chan chapter 2 . 7/6/2015
The conversation with Sai was so funny, that I couldn't stop laughing for a while. And I like it that Sasuke is not sweet-talking but hiding his feelings. 3
Wusel-chan chapter 1 . 7/6/2015
That was surely a good laugh for chapter 1, altough I was extremely surprised that Genma would flirt with them, since he is so much older. XD
sasusakuforever chapter 6 . 4/27/2015
LOVED IT! XD It was a really, really amazing story. I loved everything about it. I really hope you'll keep publishing some more SasuSaku stories.
ooooooooookay chapter 4 . 3/8/2015
Wow. Um. Sasuke, you are a dick. She better not forgive him instantly, because that is just unrealistic. I think any woman, after being called a whore, would not say "oh it's okay" instantly.
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