Reviews for The Result of an Involuntary Foot Massage
Autumnvicky chapter 1 . 6/24/2013
Ah, scarring Lucius for life made this story EPIC! lol
SuperCali chapter 1 . 6/6/2012
Haha Lucius!
Srienia chapter 1 . 6/1/2012
Shutting down the floo seems like an excellent idea.

Nice story and it was great that you set the situation up quite thoroughly before getting to the highpoint of the plot.
Sheri Contrary chapter 1 . 5/24/2012
Hmm. Did you write this for meeeeeeeeeeeee?

Okay, I'm going to put away my little red pen...because it's late and I'm feeling nice. *grin*

Well, Lucius is fairly quick at getting out of the habit of picturing Draco with a wife. Hehe. See what I mean about things just falling into place quickly when you're writing?

Loved the "Scourgify his eyeballs" bit. Hehe. Poor Lucius. *giggles hysterically* Isn't it fun to fuck with him? And the "There are certain things I need to burn out of my mind" thing was funny too. I can just see Lucius' face while saying it. And I loved Lucius giving his son some fatherly advice. "And Draco, do clean that couch," Lucius said before swallowing a mouthful, "Ahh, and maybe shut down the Floo next time."

Well, you didn't say that you wrote this for ME, but it sort of feels like it...THANKS!