Reviews for Alone in Dreaming
1sunfun chapter 1 . 8/7/2017
littlemisslovelygood chapter 1 . 6/16/2012
"stay with me" "always" AWWWWWWWWWWW! :D :3 haha love this! :D (i cant help but notice the hg/hp quote there at the end..not that that's intentional, im sure, but still...)
xSUPERxFANGIRLx chapter 1 . 6/6/2012
Beautiful! Simply beautiful!
Bombshell1701 chapter 1 . 5/28/2012
So very good. Uniting these two in such a tender way through their mutual pain and suffering... beautifully done.
mahlia chapter 1 . 5/25/2012
Nai, Nai, Nai. This was beautiful. :)

While I'm not necessarily a Steve/Tony fan, I can definitely see why people are and with this story, you'll create a lot of new fans. This was such a realistic and poignant snapshot that's now permanently in my head. Tony's nightmares are vivid and horrifying, but you don't spend too much time elaborating on them. Steve isn't smothering and worrisome; I think you've struck just the right balance with the way he handles Tony.

Well done, my friend. Well done!
Victoria LeRoux chapter 1 . 5/22/2012
I'll definitely have to contact you about the beta thing!


In the vastness, stars glitter, a shy wonder surrounding the bulk of machinery in the center of his vision. Grey and blue and alien glares down at him, tempting him to come closer, taunting him from the other side, it's warriors wreaking havoc down below as its home base floats, safe and sound.

I just love this description. It's so melodic and lovely that I can't help but adore it. You describe things perfectly here.

And then the fear is blinding, choking him, and the black is smothered by red, all the red, burning white hot, and he did this for them, he laid down on the wire, but he would never get to see them grow into something more, what they should be, he is trapped, trapped, trapped –

I love the transition from the lulling peace and the phrase "Pepper never answered, he didn't get to-" getting cut off right there. It leaves so much to the imagination while etching things out perfectly. The description of the fear "burning white hot" and the fact that he "laid down on the wire" sums things up. I like the repetition of 'trapped' that you use at the end.'re not in a cave, you're home, this is stupid, you're safe.

Brilliant, once again. I like the throwback to the cave and the fact that nightmares seem so stupid when you wake up, but so real when you're alone in the dark.

... why, God, why did it have to be Steve?

Another point where I say "I like this." I think it displays the relationship they had with one another within the movie, and sets up what's to come.

He makes a beeline for the lab, and immediately throws himself into the metalwork, because hell if he's getting any more sleep any time soon.

Very typical Tony!

But his eyelids are drooping, and the code is blurry, and all he can think is no, don't, I don't want to sleep yet –

I like the refusal to sleep. It's a very typical reaction and so very Tony that I think it fits perfectly in here.

I'm not going to post the next part I liked - the whole nightmare really. The deaths of the rest of the team struck a particular cord in me because I think that's what Tony would fear, after all. He's not the type to grow close to someone, and it's very easy to imagine that losing them would be heavily prevalent on his mind once he does start to care.

Its reflexive. I'm not - it's not a lie when I know I'll be okay tomorrow. I'm not okay, alright, but I will be, and it's my problem anyway, and -"

This was... it was just... bah. How do I put this into words? It's Tony, after all. He's going to think that of course he'll be okay. He's "always okay."

I'm not a big fan of Tony and Steve, but I like the way to played things in that scene.

"I need you to see," Steve says, "that you matter, that this is not okay, and you're not the only one that's scared."

This seemed very characteristic of Steve, to seek to throw in the reassurance. In anyone else, it would seem knee-jerk and like the 'easy answer' at best, but in Steve it sounds just right.

I loved this story, really I did. You have such a brilliant, fantastic way with prose that it provides a very enjoyable read overall. Your title fit very well, I think. It plays with the Tony's feelings of loneliness, the idea that in dreams one is always alone, and prefigures that he is not alone outside of the dreams.

Two thumbs up! (I'd give more, if I had more thumbs!) Apologies for any typos in my reviews or me not making sense - I've been studying Latin all day, so English is getting more difficult by the chapter.