Reviews for Talk To Me
ashmagic17 chapter 1 . 1/10/2017
Love this story! I can't stop reading it. lol
Very well written. Love it! Thank you
Psyched chapter 1 . 9/14/2016
Great story, and well written. Loved the Monty POV. Have you read any Dean Koontz? At least two of his books are written at least in part from the canine perspective, and they were fun to read.
Max and Fern 4ever chapter 1 . 11/14/2015
I LOVED West Wing. The scenevwith Danny/CJ is so Deeks/Kensi. Deeks could just stare at and listen to Kensi for days. And he lives in her smile.
You are a vety good writer!
Heather9979 chapter 1 . 10/25/2014
Why on earth have I not read this before now?
Densi-Neric-BB-and-more-1 chapter 1 . 8/10/2014
I absolutely love how you had Deeks think about the consequences of having a relationship with the one he truly loves and not have her freaking out. Thanks for writing this fantastic Fanfic can't wait to read more.
crazeeria chapter 1 . 3/10/2014
ahhhh love this so freaking much!
Tiny'sbigshoes chapter 1 . 2/14/2013
Love this!
NCISLAlover24 chapter 1 . 1/14/2013
I was gutted when Deeks and Kensi were having problems! I was like "Nooooo" but then his reason explained it all and then i understood- very good deffo something Deeks would say i think! I really like the ending and the fact it was partly from Monty's POV! Really good! :-)
F Maurice chapter 1 . 12/29/2012
Quite a different twist in that we were seeing the story through Monty's eyes. :)
Rinn07 chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
I laughed when I finally realized it was Monty's POV. I thought that was a little strange but I really loved the story! It was really well written!
jmlane1966 chapter 1 . 8/28/2012
Many things about this story are intriguing. First, Deeks running away was painful, but understandable when given his explanation. Kensi's reaction was plausible and agonizing! They are so complicated. Secondly, Monty's perspective is new and refreshing. Very entertaining and sweet. Thirdly, the resolution was agonizing, yet fulfilling. You write these two characters with great aplomb. Thank you for sharing your stories I love you're writing.
AliyahNCIS chapter 1 . 8/18/2012
I'm surprised Deeks was the one running scared too, but I liked how it was worked out. That scene where he left her in the morning was horrible, but at least it's all good at the end, and Deeks is cute coming prepared to help. Thanks for sharing this!
ImpactedJudgment chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
Do I care that the role reversal is obvious? No! Cuz this is awesome.

Actually, the points you brought out in Deeks' confession to Kensi make it credible that he might "run." Though we know he wouldn't. ;)

You killed me when you had Kensi incredulous of his actions because of the deep trust she has in him. That was really very excellent of you since it's well established that Deeks' goal is to continually be there for her.

So what about the OOC when the story is this fantastic! You did amazingly well! :)
Somnium1 chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
simply fantastic fic, loved every bit of it.
imahistorian chapter 1 . 5/22/2012
I do love how you write them, their emotions so strong that they just can't deny them, even when Deeks runs and tries to! It's nice that Monty was the catalyst to make them talk. Smart dog! Their entire conversation was so incredibly emotional and raw but it was lovely how they worked together to find a path, that Kensi trusted in her feelings enough to let go of some of her hurt and anger to let him back in. They share similar fears with losing each other but they deal with that fear in different ways. This shows that beautifully, as well as that they can come together in the end, getting past those fears.
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