Reviews for A Darker Beginning: From Orphan to Folk Hero
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 10 . 2/25
I LOVE this fic! (Ooc dumbles aside) PLEASE keep writing on it!
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 9 . 2/25
Why on EARTH would Snape do the exact same idiocy as dumbledore? It makes NO sense.

Harry should, by all logic, NOT experience the same as he did in canon. The circumstances creating it has vanished.

The ONLY thing that even COULD happen still with some likelyhood is Sirius escaping. The weasleys are still likely to win the lottery (ignoring the numerous minor reasons they might not mind you) and when they do, the rest would almost certantly play ot the same until Siri's escape. But with CASTLY different results at Hogwarts.
I-Love-Trunks1 chapter 10 . 1/28
I love how Harry met the Malfoy family first. I love how Harry is a Slytherin. Could you please continue writing this story? I love it so much! I hope you keep writing it.
Kimmiekitten75 chapter 10 . 10/3/2018
More Please Hon!
FlowerChild23 chapter 10 . 4/17/2018
Wow this is really good
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 4 . 3/25/2018
To your concerns, while I kinda agree, I would say that from a psychological point of vie, it is possible. Simply because he was too broken to eve hate them, he only feared them.

And if he showed any emotions at all as a baby, he was surely ignored. And if a baby (and small child) never get a reaction to their emotional outbursts, eventually they stop showing emotions, which, essentially, make them stop feeling them. Punishment for showing anger can also have discouraged him from showing it, and most likely make him surpress it.

What surprise me the most is how he didn't become a sociopath (like Dexter.) He certantly had the perfect circumstances for it.

The ONE thing that doesn't make sense is him having even a shred of morals. Morals are purely taught, never born with. And I very much doubt Harry would be taught anything other than everything he did was wrong, magic bad, and to obey orders. And because he was given neither a chance to watch telly or movies, nor read books, nor had any friends, he have NO way of learning about right and wrong. He would show up to school not even understanding WHY murder is bad.

He would have adopted those morals because of Ron and subsequently mione and everyone else around him, but it would take time and an effort to fit inn, and I very much doubt he would truly understand it. It would be more like you move to turky and wear those funny clothes because everyone else does it, and they may tell you their god told them to do it, but you don't fully understand the concept, not like someone who grew up with it would.

I absolutly commend you for taking the viewpoint and complexity of the issues of Dark vs Light into consideration!
The world is never as simple as good and evil, black and white, and both sides will always believe THEY are the good guys and have damned good reason to think so.
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 2 . 3/25/2018
I really like the way you had the Malfoys play their cards. And the general introduction Harry got to the wizarding world. It now makes perfect sense for Harry to go Dark, as well as a number of smaller things... such as seeing Hermione as obnoxious rather than sad and lonely, and most likely seeing Ron for the jealous prat he is, seeing as he has already attached himself to the Malfoys as his very first friends. The small jabs against dumbledore will serve to ensure he never trusts the man, and will likely come to hate him once he finds out he was the one who placed him with the dursleys.

I just REALLY hope that you won't turn dumbledore into some kind of evil manipulator and Voldemort the nice guy, cuz it's just wrong. But they both have their own agenda and believe they are the ones who are correct. And while they both manipulate, their motives are very different and driven by entirely different reasons. Voldemort by a desire for power and fear of death, and dumbledore by guilt and the belief in the greater good.

I am really looking forward to read how it goes!
Xyori Nadeshiko chapter 9 . 7/25/2017
Oh que emociĆ³n!
LtsHrIt4ThBoyz chapter 10 . 10/27/2016
Hmmm. Interesting premise and some unique twists. I like seeing Dumblefuck discommoded early in the story and his reputation beginning to be tarnished, but it would appear, from his 'wink' at Harry, that neither he nor you believe him to 'down for the count', as it were. Mores the pity! I hate the MOB worse than Moldy Voldy; seeing as it was at Dumble's discretion that little Tom was forced to return to that festering hell hole, year after year, where Tom used whatever guile and means he could to defend himself! JKR chose to allow the old puke's interpretation of Tom's character to stand as the old wanker's justification; as if an ELEVEN year old, ABUSED, NEGLECTED, and magically-IGNORANT CHILD had a CHOICE in how to defend him or herself from bullies and hypocritical and hysterical religious zealotry! JKR's dismissive and cavalier attitude towards child abuse and it's aftermaths left me with a wish to slap her Elitist face and to then watch her Dumbledore-ish bewitchment of the masses to *embrace* her garbage with such 'religious' fervor...It makes me wonder just what kind of "Blue Pill" was impregnated in the books! What I read, though I only FORCED myself to read up to 1/2 way through book six (when it became obvious that no one was going to do anything to actually SAVE HARRY from his home life nor right the wrongs by Dumblefuck and Wizarding Society that LED to the environment that NURTURED the philosophies that created a Voldemort; who only fed back to his sycophants what they wanted to hear, whilst destroying those same Pureblood families from within and without!), was a piss-poor, highly derivative amalgamation of every magical trope and fairy tale; drawn from greater works of literary art and mish-mashed into a series of illogical and 'plot-wound' heavy 'events' using poorly utilized and heavy-handed, two-dimensional caricatures, instead of characters to stumble the plot along to the eventual removal of the only blockage to maintaining the status quo!
Anyhoo. Sorry about the soapbox. I can only say that, though I despise JKR and abhor the books, I LOVE *GOOD* HPff! Yours is pretty intriguing and I'd like to read more of it, if at all possible!
Thanks for sharing your vision with us and I hope to see you continue!
Take care!
rowenasheir chapter 10 . 5/11/2016
Please carry on with this story.
David-El chapter 10 . 3/14/2016
Well, this is an interesting idea, and I look forward to seeing where you go with this. That is, if you continue with this. However you may want to know of a alternative plan for muggleborns. Seeing as how leaving them in the Muggle world would only reveal them faster, they can either be taken from their families at a young age or simply tell the parents that the children have been accepted to a private boarding school and only tell the children about magic after letting them know that it's illegal for Muggles to know about magic.
Flying Chrissy chapter 10 . 2/3/2016
Interesting story! Look forward to the next update.
Romantific chapter 10 . 1/24/2016
This story looks interesting. Why did you stop?
TheLittleRoguex chapter 1 . 12/21/2015
Lovvvved it
ChocoholicWriter chapter 3 . 10/12/2015
This started out good however the chapters became too short for my tastes and then the goblins reactions were too unrealistic for the Potter universe. Try and work on portraying the goblins as more violent and bloodthirsty and less tolerant of wizards, even dark wizards.

Also, I don't understand how Narcissa was able to glance at Diagin Alley and know how everyone walking past was a Muggleborn. Surely they don't have signs hung around their necks?

I won't be reading any further, not because the writing isn't good because it is but because the direction the story is taking is not to my tastes.
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