Reviews for The Aftermath
Spitfire303 chapter 4 . 10/19/2013
i agree they cancelled a brilliant show :-( but this does it honour can't wait for the last chapter :-)
Blackcat509 chapter 4 . 3/8/2013
Hey wheres the next chapter?
MaisieTheBird chapter 4 . 10/20/2012
I'm so glad that there's still a small Alcatraz fandom out there! :D Please keep this story going, it's great! :D
Dave G chapter 4 . 10/15/2012
Thank you very much for bringing some sense to the so-called 'ending' of Alcatraz, keep up the good work- it's really dialed-in to the rhythm of the show!
BrokenForYouSpilledForYou chapter 4 . 8/23/2012
So, it's 2:14 in the morning, my eyes are bloodshot, I seem to be fighting to stay awake, but I can't go to sleep until I finish reading this chapter (I felt compelled to review after reading your author's note). People are still reading and enjoying this fic (very much, might I add). Please, don't give up on this story. It's very well written, the characters are in character, and the plot is great. Do I need to say more? :) You're an excellent writer...Please continue this one. Hope to see another chapter soon. G'night, sweet dreams (after I read this chapter).

gravewriter71 chapter 4 . 8/14/2012
Hey there! This is great: good research, all characters IN character, and I like your answer to the silver-blood mystery. Neat! As another fan who mourns the loss of what could have been this decade's "X-Files" or better, I implore you to finish the story! ONE series ended without a resolution is quite enough!
Guest chapter 4 . 7/6/2012
That was so good! Please please write more.
Lover of Reid chapter 4 . 7/2/2012
That was great. I love the flashback with Ray and Hauser about Ray joining the task force. I just can't swallow the idea that Ray and Hauser would have had something to do with how Rebecca's parents died. But your version is rather good. With Ray on board with the force now things should be interesting. I can't wait til you update again.
farmgirl1964 chapter 4 . 6/30/2012
Very, very good. I am enjoying it immensely! Please continue...
Casie01 chapter 4 . 6/30/2012
If I hadn't been at work when I saw that an Alcatraz story had been updated I would have squealed like a little girl! And it being yours was even more exciting I it is quite saddening how the stories have slowly fizzled, my own is awaiting an update. Between writibg anothee story and life I keep sadly, putting that one on the back burner. I hate how slowly Alcatraz is slipping away.

Now on to your story, once again another awesome chapter! You definitely have a strong grasp on the medical lingo explaining Rebeccas heart defect which makes it sound a lot more believable then the whole silver in the blood. You write each charcter with such a clear understanding of who they are that its so easy to see everything happening in my mind as I read.

Intresting twist on Rebecca's parenta deaths and Ray being at least some what partially responsible. I hope you explain what happened to them, i have my own theory of course bur would like to see where you take that.

My only complaint is the idea that there's only 1 chapter left to look forward to. Of course it is inevitable that the stories will end it is just a hard pill to swallow. I have immensely enjoyed reading your work and following you on this journey through what might have happenes if Fox hadnt broken our hearts. Thank you for writing this and sharinf it with all of us Alcateaz fans.
farmgirl1964 chapter 1 . 6/26/2012
Great job so far...keep it coming!
farmgirl1964 chapter 3 . 6/26/2012
This just keeps getting better and better!

You do agreat job of keeping them true to their characters! Not easy to do, I know.

I also appreciate the emotions you explain...the details are excellen!

More please!
farmgirl1964 chapter 1 . 6/26/2012
Great job so far...keep it coming!
AuthorJMH chapter 3 . 5/31/2012
Awesome! Please Continue, this story is Amazing!
Lover of Reid chapter 3 . 5/29/2012
That was great. Figures that Hauser would take her to the secret Alcatraz facility. I can't wait to see what Rebecca has to say about being cared by a fellow 63 once she's finally fully awake from the drugs' influence. Whatever happens next should be interesting.
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