Reviews for Powers
CrystalBud chapter 1 . 2/26/2014
cool :D
Aureus Lux chapter 17 . 10/1/2013
Bruce: Villains are made, not born.
Me: Are people born Wicked? Or do they have Wickedness thrust upon them? After all, NO ONE MOURNS THE WICKED! *breaks out into song*

Gwen: Once you join SHIELD, you never go back.
Me: Once you go black, you never go back!
thewritinglife chapter 26 . 7/16/2013
Ok, well I accidentally reviewed this story in the middle because I somehow thought it was the end... (I'm not quite sure how, but needless to say I was quite confused at the sequel!) Anyway, I just wanted to say that these chapters were good too, and I'm looking forward to the sequel!
P.S. (I'm inthesparklytardis on tumblr if you want to follow me back :) )
thewritinglife chapter 20 . 7/16/2013
I really like this story! I think Gwen's character is great. You did a very good job creating her powers, too. I can't wait until Steve and Gwen finally get together! Keep writing!
Ophelia Claire chapter 7 . 1/9/2013
Man-Katniss...hahaha! Great story!
growingupisaterribletrap chapter 6 . 11/27/2012
PLOT TWIST! Maxwell is Loki! Holy mother of sweet baby Jesus! Shit just got real! Oh and love the story by the way!
dwatlaskrhtcm chapter 26 . 8/21/2012
Oooo LOVE it as always , :-D , Well Done And Thanks .
dwatlaskrhtcm chapter 25 . 8/21/2012
Awwww this is SOOOO adorable!, :-D , And really funny 'So let's just shuffle awkwardly together."Haha and 'Bullwinkle' haha , :'-D
dwatlaskrhtcm chapter 23 . 8/21/2012
Haha!I'm LOVING this story so far! , :-D , When Thor said'Loki, give this up' the song 'Give it up'by KC and the Sunshine immediently came into my head , :'-D , Well Done And Thanks .
saichick-Anna-Erishkigal chapter 5 . 8/11/2012
You did a nice job of portraying the attraction between Gwen and Steve. And his awkwardness in talking to women without turning it into a bad joke like so many of the comics/fanfics do.

And also Thor wanting his brother back. Nicely done.

FYI - an Army captain wouldn't usually salute a civilian.
saichick-Anna-Erishkigal chapter 3 . 8/10/2012
Is there a character 'Gwen Powers' in Marvel (or other) canon? I know of a Gwen Stacy in the Spiderman canon, and her clone Gwendolyn Stacy who has some of her abilities. Tony Stark helped Gwen-clone adjust and integrate into SHIELD, which would place her with these people. But otherwise, the character as written (Agent Coulson's replacement) is being given far too much significance far too soon. And also, a super-secret agency would NEVER assign an agent who's mental health was compromised to a case.

And they're called 'migraines' not 'head pains.'

Would suggest you re-evaluate what is important to your plot line and rewrite this to get to what matters. Since this is listed as a Steve/OC fanfic, suggest you just get right to her introduction to Steve.

Feel free to ignore!
saichick-Anna-Erishkigal chapter 2 . 8/10/2012
I feel as though you have Tony Stark out of character when he picks up Gwen at the airport. He is a billionaire superhero. He wouldn't do that. He'd probably send Happy Hogan. Nor could I picture Pepper cooking a meal for just this agent. They'd be eating takeout, perhaps. Pepper has shown no inclination to cook, and as CEO of a multinational corporation, she would not have time. This exposition is too long and does not add to your story. Keep it brief, or cut it completely and get us right to the action in the penthouse.

I -would- be sure to keep in the line 'so long as he doesn't smash' in regards to the hulk.

Again at the penthouse, I could picture Tony and Banner joking about 'some ludicrious movie called Batman' and toying with how ridiculous a bat symbol would be and ways to one-up it, but these are all busy people. Vigilante justice is more Spiderman, Batman, or Daredevil. They are very busy people and the last thing they want is 'hulk ... smash.' I would suggest a different deux ex machina for Tony/Bruce to have their friendly 'bromance.'

You mention headaches in the first chapter as well. If it is foreshadowing (both chapters) I would suggest you get rid of all the extraneous chatter and focus on only that.

Get right to the news of the plane crash. That's really what matters here for building suspense.

Feel free to ignore!
saichick-Anna-Erishkigal chapter 1 . 8/10/2012
Since you state you wish to someday be a professional writer, I will make some critique's of things I noticed. Feel free to ignore my comments. I will get to the point as it takes time to type, but I'll preface my critique with 'I like this..."

In this chapter, I feel as though all the extraneous detail at the beginning of this chapter is irrelevant. There is no hook and I really don't care about 9/10ths of the stuff Gwen goes through until she gets to the airport.

Once she starts verbally sparring with Maxwell, the story begins to come to life. I would suggest you delete just about everything up until that point and, if there is a specific detail which is critical to your later plot, you bury it somehow in your dialogue.

Feel free to ignore me :-)
Marzipan chapter 27 . 8/5/2012
I just wanted you to know that I hadnt really looked at your user name before but when I did I swear to god I snorted into my root beer. A stroke of genius;) I can see the Weasley Twins(before Fred died even though I still deny it) trying to do that. Ha! That is all...:)
Marzipan chapter 21 . 8/5/2012
Ha Nickolas Sparks books:) So Many FEELS...I can't even... I love this story, no joke. I am a total Tony lover but at the same time Lokis smirks...hhhhmmmmm. I also have a soft spot for Bruce and thank god for Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye(my favorite character!) but Steve is something else. Who wouldn't love such a gentleman? Well maybe feminists but I digress. Love how Avenger lovers come together!:)
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