Reviews for The Lockie Horror Picture Show
Dairi chapter 1 . 4/28/2014
Haha! I am loving this premise. Have to go sleep now, but can't wait to read more.
Book girl fan chapter 5 . 10/9/2013
Obviously, I don't know as much of this fandom as I thought, and I am very glad of that.
Book girl fan chapter 2 . 10/9/2013
The Final Problem, His Last Bow, The Sign of Four, don't know what The Second Brain is, though it sounds familiar.

Are there really all those problems with the movie? I know it is terribly inaccurate to the original books, but didn't know about the newspaper, Tarmac pavement, and all those other historical errors, figures that Sherlock would.
Betty C chapter 1 . 11/28/2012
Sorry. Yeah, this used to be much longer. But a couple of outspoken PMs made me take them down. This is what the original idea was, and I'll just keep things this way. There was a story around the Fall, Sherlock meeting Ben C. and swapping roles with him, eventually realizing his feelings for John, and, finally, retiring to the south of England after rehab. There was a sex scene (very Sherlock, obviously) which met with some protest. And well, that's about it. Teaches you to not run with an idea ... hope you enjoyed what's left.
uzumaki misaki chapter 5 . 11/28/2012
I thought this had like 50 chapters; what happened to the rest?
eeekabee chapter 47 . 9/4/2012
Thank you - Complete now! And a happy ending to boot.
Superster chapter 45 . 8/28/2012
Fiction K? Yeah... uh-huh... Do you mind changing the rating please? Some of us don't like surprises like that.
friend2friend1 chapter 7 . 8/24/2012
its a brilliant plot! laughed so hard at the assessment of the Guy Ritchie movie, I wouldn't have come up with so many flaws. Benedict and Sherlock meeting was wonderful, great story!
eeekabee chapter 44 . 8/24/2012
aaah, thank you!
After Ch 39-42 I was afraid of where this story was going (and for a while I wished I'd just stopped reading at "The Bridge") - but with this chapter you've got me back!
I just don't even want to imagine Sherlock and John being mad at each other and each alone in the world.
So, again, thank you!
charliebrown1234 chapter 38 . 8/4/2012
I thought it was over? And then more? Well, now I have to follow you! Update soon, yeah?

charliebrown1234 chapter 37 . 8/1/2012
I thought it was just a crack fic, and then it transformed into something absolutely beautiful. Wonderful, fantastic job with this story.

Betty C chapter 37 . 8/1/2012
Mark the chapter's title ...

Kerttu chapter 37 . 7/31/2012
Oh lord, THIS was a worthy ride indeed, thank you! Priceless and GOOD. *hugs the stuffing out of the author*
Betty C chapter 29 . 7/25/2012
Forty-one! Let me get this streight: 41 reviews. Wow, who'd have thought? Well, I'm ... flattered by your attention and by your kind words. Thank you very much for following and reading and reviewing. Also PM'ing. And yes, this IS my real name. I'm a Cucumber, and I will die one, too. So, author's note, erm, listen to what the man says. He does not "do sex".


(I know, I'm being a bit of a tease, right?)
eeekabee chapter 29 . 7/25/2012
Okay, it's time to get to the good stuff! (please?)
When are John and Sherlock going to meet up again? I hope it's soon. I'm looking forward to your next update!

Thanks again
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