Reviews for Balanced
idksoyeah chapter 1 . 6/24/2014
Wake up please!
I am just simply crying,
Libra's and my feelings have matched when I was waiting for my friend to wake up in the hospital, sigh she never did.
WickedInk chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
so is this after Ryuga attacked Tubasa and Yu and they were ihn the hospital or is Yu dead? Please if he is alive make a second chapter were he wakes up i cant stand it to end like this it is just too sad! :(
azure blue espeon chapter 1 . 6/4/2012
Aww! How cute! Will there be something where Yu wakes up?
lolgirl32 is really bored chapter 1 . 5/7/2012
im sure Dee and Chaos wont mind! any way,this is tooo cute!
DragonFang2016 chapter 1 . 5/6/2012
I wish I got to review yesterday when I read half of it, but we had to go to a party and sleep over, and there was no WiFi, so...

Anyway, I totally loved how you mentioned Libra's reactions to when Yu was unconscious, and how no one else could see him, and how disappointed Yu was because he wanted an Attack-Type Bey.

Please keep writing more of your awesome stories!
Princess Trash chapter 1 . 5/6/2012
This is wonderfully written and the connection between Libra and Yu is so...well so awesome that I cant describe it!

This is so amazing I've re-read this already 3 times.

Im so favoriting this.
RinnyEjito12 chapter 1 . 5/6/2012
I want to go into a corner and have a gigglefit so bad right now.

This was just awesome! I had to read it over and over just to take it all in.

The personality you put into Libra was so great :D I almost started to tear up because I liked it so much.

I really liked how you portrayed the bond between Yuu and Libra, it went in so well and made my heart flutter and the exchange was a great idea.

The part in the show where Damian attacked Yuu and Tsubasa made me sulk, but seeing Libra's view on how he just wants Yuu to wake up made me smile and well, almost cry.

I'm so happy you participated in the challenge, thank you so much! I really hope you had fun writing this, because I loved reading it!