Reviews for shattered but not broken
Guest chapter 1 . 5/21/2016
Future-Gamefreak chapter 1 . 5/10/2012
oh my god

This fic is literally so perfect, and precious, and COMPLETELY IC and...

I can't even leave a proper review because this is literally so great AUGH!

Honestly, keep up the AMAZING work! 3
Rose151 chapter 1 . 5/6/2012
To the Author,

First off, thank you for the dedication. It makes me happy to know that I could be an inspiration into something amazing. Even though all I'm doing is helping promote an awesome cartoon series from the 90's.

As to my review of the story, I thought it was written very well. Even though you haven't seen the last episode I'm guessing, you managed to pinpoint how the situation went down and how it could've went.

And I'm guessing that Polly at age 12 would still believe that her dead dog wasn't dead. But I wonder what would've happened to the... Maybe I shouldn't think about it.

I hope you write more, but of course only if you want to and if you have the time. As for me I've been busy with life and working. I do have some free time on my hands, but it depends on how I feel and what's going on.

Keep up the good work! I hope all this goodness around this series continues to spread! Hey, maybe the people will finally put the series on proper DVD format!

Take care and good luck with everything!

Frysfan AKA: Rose151