Reviews for looseleaf and liquid fiction
Guest chapter 1 . 8/8/2019
The dream things pretty true. My normal dreams are in color. My nightmares are in black and white. (They usually start in color then change to that.) And i force myself to wake if its only blue and purple. Those tend to end up being pretty weird and fucked up and scare me more than even my nightmares.
Dolores-the-Dip chapter 1 . 5/16/2019
I love this
cakewalking chapter 1 . 2/22/2016
What a neat idea! I love the conversation they had, very interesting. I also liked the analogy with the computer systems and the idea of a little Craig behind a computer desk ahaha that was so precious. I liked how you related that and computer upgrades to his social behaviour. Wow, though. Really cool! Nicely done, especially that ending sentence c:
anon420 chapter 1 . 1/21/2015
This is absolutely amazing on so many levels. You're such a creative writer. I love how philosophical it is. I like to think of all my atoms and what-not as smaller versions of myself, too. My favorite part about it is that a lot of it has to do with dreams, though. Dreams are my favorite thing ever. The dreamworld feels like home to me; more real to me than this reality (which feels so watered down), and like I belong there; like a birthplace that I return to. So euphoric and crazy and wonderful. Anyway, this is one of the best things I've ever read. It's beautiful. I love how you wrote the characters. They're personalities are so intriguing. And you mentioned Jefferson Airplane, which is pretty awesome.
Effsnares chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
You never cease to amaze me. I just want to, like, stroke your cheek and touch your face cuz you make me have all these emotions.
Memelet chapter 1 . 7/3/2012
Aww, I really enjoyed this. It hit me in just the right way, made me smile and laugh. :)
kai-kakashi chapter 1 . 6/16/2012
Lol interesting conversation. It made me laugh quite a bit, I sometimes have thoughts like that too haha.

I'm quite shy so I often have moments where I ramble and its not until I've finished that I think '... Why say that, idiot.' XD

Anyway I liked it, it was cute, especially with the added hug at the end :)
bleachlover146 chapter 1 . 5/22/2012
aww. The ending was super sweet..i think. Anyway, I liked it, and thats all that matters! :)
w0rmsign chapter 1 . 5/8/2012
oh yay, cute little oneshot

/ He figured it was his subconscious trying to tell him to throw out the old white rice in the fridge./


/He also needs to upgrade his empathy application. It keeps popping up on his desktop but he keeps clicking 'remind me later' so it never gets upgraded/

Puzzlie's Imajinacion chapter 1 . 5/6/2012

I'm dead. You can find me in your trash can.
tmcala chapter 1 . 5/5/2012
awwwww :) I like that you've channeled Tweek's conspiracy-ridden mind into like creativity or something? I don't think that made any sense. But, it's just always nice to see Tweek being a colorful, smart person. You did it well and I liked it a lot :)
Anon chapter 1 . 5/5/2012
That was really cute... in the weirdest of ways. I dunno- it was really funny too and I liked the stuff that Tweek was saying about dreams, 'cause I tend to think stuff like that too often. That Windows 98 part made me giggle.
Tea Cup Sheik chapter 1 . 5/4/2012
This is so cute! The ending is simply adorable. I love all your stuff. c':