Reviews for Heroes & Thieves
Elanya21 chapter 7 . 11/13/2018
I love that someone asked where TF is the dog too lol? Also I honestly don’t get why the female character is so irresistible, so needed? Her original occupation is dropped early on and she has no Interesting characteristics beyond that of a normal human being. Why is Loki so in love with her? Beyond,as I’ve said Much, Much, editing is needed. (Spelling and grammar, syntax, missing words)
shadow spirit55 chapter 1 . 7/31/2018
okay I know I'm just hardly starting the sequel but where is Harrison? is he still alive or did she starve her dog to death in her apartment? this is the real question (not bashing just wanting to know lol)
fuckimgay chapter 1 . 6/16/2018
Alright, barely the first chapter and I'm already thinking "Fuck Loki"
Guest chapter 13 . 5/11/2018
ok but i’m intensely team captain america no offense loki but ellie’s relationship with loki was just way too crazy abusive for it to be ok and steve is so fuckin pure and wow this story is really fkn good my guy good on ya
BacchikoiBABY21 chapter 29 . 2/5/2018
thank you for this amazing fic! I am very delighted because I love this paring! I'm currently writing a steve-oc-loki fic, it's on going and honestly, reading your fic made it easier. pls write more! you're an amazing writer!
ButterflyQueen16 chapter 29 . 12/27/2017
Thank you. Idk know what else can be said. But this end was the best part, my favorite part of this whole segment. You dear author had bruised my heart thoroughly with your FF, but at last I am a sucker for punishment and angst. Therefore I will be continuing into the next part and see where it takes me. As always I am grateful for you being brave enough to share you work.
ButterflyQueen16 chapter 27 . 12/26/2017
Ellie and Steve thing*
ButterflyQueen16 chapter 27 . 12/26/2017
No offense, but thank god the Ellie and Steve thong is ending. I feel like it had been dragged on way too long. I mean all that came out this chapter was already obvious since this sequel began. I entertain the possibility of friendship between them, but I don't know because their history is very heavy. I mean it is definitely possible to love more than one person, but she never felt true belonging with Steve that she does with Loki so in the end its not fair to any of them. Oh and poor Loki...despite what he has done and all his misguided ways, he was different when it was just Ellie and him. Their love if given a chance to heal and prosper would be one for the ages. I mean there hasn't really been a chance for them When they realized that love was in the equation, their brief time with each other was over. I am clearly a sucker for your portrayal of Loki here. And your OC is freakin twisted mess which is captivating and brillant. I appreciate the time and efforts you have put into her. Your cliffhangers ate maddening, but makes the revealing more delicious. I really enjoyed this segment as well and am glad to see you have continued the story. Keep up the wonderful work and hopefully the next part is a little less angsty? Idk if my heart y can take it.
ButterflyQueen16 chapter 4 . 12/26/2017
Okay just started on your sequel and wow you packed quite a but in there. I love Captain America, but I am team Ellie and Loki here. Idk how if it will be happening but that is my hope. Poor Steve, Ellie, and Loki. Truth be told I hope Ellie is truly Loki's savior once again. I can't wait to see how this FF unfurls.
aryan778 chapter 29 . 6/27/2017
Started Shiver earlier today and then read through HeroesThieves the next. I just have to say I love how well developed you made the characters to be. Not going to lie but I started rooting for Steve at the end after really loving Loki but god I don't know what to feel really.
LaPetiteCafe chapter 1 . 6/9/2016
I heard of this story somewhere on Tumblr but was sketchy of the site until a friend of mine finally brought me over here. I have to say I regret not coming here sooner but now that I have - I'm very excited to read this! The first chapter sounds amazing already and I can't wait to read more! You probably get this a lot but still, you're style of writing is really beautiful.
Dragoncat chapter 29 . 9/25/2015
First I read "Shiver", and then I read "Heroes & Thieves". Both of these stories kept me glued to my computer all through such ungodly hours, it's a wonder I managed to get any sleep at all. Even though there were a few sentences that seemed a bit garbled, your writing is nothing short of FANTABULOUS! Right now, I really, really need to give myself some long overdue beauty sleep. Rest assured, as far as reviewing "Into Eternity" goes, you will be hearing from me again.

In the meantime...Keep on writing!
Guest chapter 26 . 7/23/2015
I thought her last name was Crane...
Guest chapter 21 . 7/23/2015
Ellie is lame.
EchoSerenade chapter 29 . 7/21/2015
This series has been so, so good! I love how this installment ended - a happy ending with the promise of more to come.
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