Reviews for The Flight of the Prince
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 8/5/2019
This is neat! One can only hope the Marauders aren't lying in wait along with her.
slytherinsal chapter 1 . 8/30/2018
I love it
Meester Lee chapter 1 . 11/22/2017
I’m not much of a Discworld fan, but I’ve enjoyed a lot of the shorter fan stories I’ve read

Yours is one of them. I can imagine Severus seeing that place in his thoughts.
James Birdsong chapter 1 . 7/29/2017
Nice yet wonderful
Guest chapter 1 . 11/18/2015
Nice. Thank you.
Lots of greetings , m.
Very Small Prophet chapter 1 . 12/29/2014
Yes, I have long thought that should be Snape's paradise: a run-down playgound in a town in the north of England, where two children are always playing. Adult Lily is is some other afterlife with James and all their Gryffie mates, but child Lily is with her Sev.
Hydrogenium chapter 1 . 11/28/2012
Simple but beautifull.
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 8/14/2012