Reviews for Torniquet
victoria.dorsey.376 chapter 9 . 8/22/2014
Awesome story I love it so far please continue!
KatherineDarkQueenRiddle666 chapter 8 . 5/25/2012
I loved it please update more
DeadProf chapter 8 . 5/17/2012
1. Grimmjow! X3

2. Yes, it was obvious from the start. -_-

3. :3...
Hollow Ichigo-Ichigo chapter 8 . 5/17/2012
Oh ironically Grimm is my fave. XD
noname12321 chapter 8 . 5/16/2012
answer to random question 1 Grimmjow!

answer to random question 2 Nope
DeadProf chapter 7 . 5/14/2012
Sometimes, it's better not to have so many P.O.V shifts. :3 Also, please use the horizontal line to separate the Author's Notes and P.O.V shifts. :3
Hollow Ichigo-Ichigo chapter 7 . 5/13/2012
Omfg Shiro time!
Honeybunbun chapter 7 . 5/13/2012
Eep! I'm eager to know who that little mystery person is! :3
DeadProf chapter 6 . 5/12/2012

Here are some errors:

1. "Unfortunately Ryen, you will have to undergo training since you will join us "Unfortunately Ichigo, you will have to undergo training since you will join us.

2. He just rid of the grunts using street fighting. He just got rid of the grunts using street fighting.
Hollow Ichigo-Ichigo chapter 6 . 5/12/2012
Nuuuu! Don't hurt Ichi and family! D:
DeadProf chapter 5 . 5/12/2012
I still say you should keep it up. :3 All you have to do is replace the chapters. X3 Or if you truly want to remove this story, maybe you could write a new story someday. :3
Honeybunbun chapter 5 . 5/11/2012
DON'T DELETE IT! I like a lot!

Oh maybe you can change the summary of this one and keep going with the plot that's going on this story

and then create a new story with the similar summary that has it as a school fic and the way you wanted it to be! :3

Am I confusing you?
Hollow Ichigo-Ichigo chapter 4 . 5/8/2012
i wants more~! this is fun!
DeadProf chapter 3 . 5/6/2012
Errow! :3 I just wanted to say that there were a few grammatical errors, but they weren't too bad. :3 Although, I would like to point out a few of them.. :3

1. I was sleep I was asleep

2. Vaste Lorde Vasto Lorde

3. who Gin and Tousen was who Gin and Tousen were

4. Grimmjow smiled, a very ear to ear smile, showing his too long canines and bright teeth Grimmjow smiled ear to ear, showing his sharp, long canines and bright teeth.

5. should'nt shouldn't

etc... :3
Hollow Ichigo-Ichigo chapter 3 . 5/6/2012
will he help i wonder?
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