Reviews for Unexpected Changes
Hogwarts Duo chapter 1 . 4/30/2012
One story and I am already in love with little James and the scene of them at the park playing with their son. Awwwww. I would have paid good money to see the look on Charlie's face when he worked out that Lovejoy and Jane were together with their son. Priceless! I'm glad you wrote the follow up to the other story. You, my dear, have just made my day!
the maids diaries chapter 1 . 4/29/2012
Poor Gimbert! One lovejoy is a problem, imagine one and "a half" LOL But I'm in love with little James, he's so cute *-*

Without mentioning how much I loved the interaction between Jane, Lovejoy and the boy!

I really hope for more! (yeap, I never satisfied!)
MakeYorkshireTeaNotWar chapter 1 . 4/29/2012
This is perfectly done. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. I love it!