Reviews for As From a Mother's Hand
Caroliny Hotchner chapter 51 . 8/1
I loved that story.
walkzlone chapter 14 . 9/22/2019
Garcia has the photo of her parents (adopted) in the hospial with her birth mother and garcia in her arms. It might've been easier to show her the picture-silently-and see if Strauss would be a bit more calmer in reply.
SarahJaneShandy chapter 51 . 10/7/2018
OMG! Love it. You put Penelope and Derek together and they have two kids now. Also relieved that you didn’t kill off Erin. Do we have more coming or was that the happy ending?
Troubled-Angel-26 chapter 51 . 10/7/2018
This chapter was lovely. I'm glad they both got h got there happy endings
starie78 chapter 50 . 10/2/2018
TVHollywoodDiva chapter 38 . 9/30/2018
great chapter
Troubled-Angel-26 chapter 50 . 9/28/2018
Aww this was a lovely chapter

I like how she has everyone’s support especially Derek and that she had him and Erin there when she gave birth. Kendra mae is a lovely name
Troubled-Angel-26 chapter 49 . 9/20/2018
Aww this chapter was sweet but sad to

I like the idea of the locket to

Can’t wait to read more
Cassandra30 chapter 25 . 8/14/2018
Doing well.
Cassandra30 chapter 24 . 8/14/2018
About time Emily and JJ got their heads out of their backsides and act like the well brought up people they are. No excuse for being rude to a guest in someone else's house.
Cassandra30 chapter 23 . 8/11/2018
So very sad. Both of those ladies are going to feel like crap when they find out who Erin is.
Cassandra30 chapter 22 . 8/11/2018
So sad. No one thought to notify Kevin's parents in eight hours?
Cassandra30 chapter 21 . 8/11/2018
Kevin's parents need to be notified.
Cassandra30 chapter 20 . 8/11/2018
This is bad.
Cassandra30 chapter 18 . 8/11/2018
At least they are planning to add each other to their families.
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