Reviews for Incognito
The Klaine Purist chapter 5 . 11/6/2013
God, now I'm hooked and there's no more... what do I do? Please write more...
StarPotterCriss chapter 5 . 7/6/2013
Please write more soon. I love this story :)
nomorecandles chapter 5 . 3/7/2013
Awesome! Love this fix, any chance of more? :) Xx
thelettersfromhedwig chapter 5 . 1/21/2013
I hope you haven't abandoned this story. I'd really like to find out how it all turns out my brain keeps filling in what I hope to happen of "Cooper" sending a text to Kurt telling him to come out on the porch because he's got a surprise for him and Blaine's out there thereby revealing Cooper was Blaine this whole time but I would like to find out how it all really goes down.
LikeAGleek chapter 5 . 12/2/2012
I love this story I hope you update it soon.
Wutif chapter 5 . 11/3/2012
Started reading this long ago and thought you had abandoned it, so I was about to blast the bookmark away and was pleased ad happy to see the update. I love the Dalton guys and always enjoy reading Blaine and Niff. I get the impression that Sebastian is going to be the bad guy again. I think somebody like Kurt could cure him of his commitment issues, but Klaine rules, every time. Sorry Seb.
Looking forward to reading more. Thank you
Kri5ti chapter 5 . 9/22/2012
OH MY GOD UPDATE! I stumbled upon this story about an hour ago... And have been completely submerged since. I NEED MORE!
KarinArson chapter 5 . 9/17/2012
I hate Jed! And i Hate that blaine hasn't broken up with him yet. But I love the story
scorpionika chapter 5 . 9/12/2012
Loved it! Although the Blaine is hesitating part is dragging...and that's in Blaine's character, because he is an oblivious piece of hotness - still, doesn't mean I like it :)
Even side-characters have realistic traits - that's huge plus.
And - poor Kurtie, hope he doesn't learn the truth about Sebastian the hard way...
Hope you update soon and see you online!
IMakeItRealInMyMind chapter 5 . 9/11/2012
Aw, the meeting between Blaine and Kurt was so cute, love how Carole was a bit fangirly too - just goes to show how much she understand Kurt that she knows what Blaine means to him. We need to get Jed and Sebastian (he creeps me out so much!) out of the picture now, and have Blaine somehow detangle this little web he's found himself in...should be interesting!

In summary, loving the story, can't wait for the next chapter!
Orange-Coyote chapter 5 . 9/11/2012
My response to this chapter is a short summary of feelings: I hate Jed, I love Niff, I love how Carole was just as jumpy as Kurt at the book signing, I am trying to tolerate Sebastian, I hate Jed, and I love Blaine.
NotAbabyPenguin chapter 5 . 9/11/2012
Damn it, now I can't wait for the next chapter! Do me a favour...Get Sebastian Out Of There! and please don't let him ruin Kurt, he has lived through enough pain in cannon. Give him a break ;(

Fuck, this story is amazing, I just had to point that out.

I can't wait for the eventual break up between Blaine and his named shall not be named. O.O Please update! I need to know what happens, if you don't I'm going to pressure xD
anderpson chapter 5 . 9/11/2012
This is so amazing, I can't wait for more!
Kurtstalker chapter 5 . 9/11/2012
I like it - a lot. Really hope Kurt & Sebastian don't 'get together'. How is Blaine going to dig himself out of this one?
miss jayne76 chapter 5 . 9/11/2012
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