Reviews for Not the Man I Used To Be Lately
E chapter 1 . 6/17
Love this story!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/19/2016
Yeah it takes Finn to die for Jesse to finally have Rachel cuz as long as Finn was alive Jesse never stood a chance even the short while they were apart after graduation. They were on the way back together.
RiTa-MD chapter 1 . 6/20/2012
Perfect closure story ! I love stories told from Jesse's POV.
Delysia chapter 1 . 5/26/2012
This was simply lovely. Well written, with a beautiful sharp crisp prose. Just wonderful.
Melody of Perdition chapter 1 . 5/18/2012
This was amazing! Great job!
MissRe chapter 1 . 4/30/2012
That was really well done. I think Jesse is a little lost too - we all know that Rachel is lost. I think Finn is too and that is why they are clinging to each other so hard. I really enjoyed this and the progression you took. Rachel has to make the decision herself and that will make her happier in the long run, she won't listen to anyone else. Awesome work.
northstar61 chapter 1 . 4/28/2012
There was something incredibly bittersweet to this. It really got to me emotionally, and I felt especially sad for Jesse throughout. You did a wonderful job capturing his loneliness, his wistful longing for what used to be, his desire to have his team do well, but for Rachel to do well also, his compulsion to keep track of everything going on in her life...

While some might call his remarks to Shelby cruel, I personally think he was simply being honest, especially in regards to her relationship with Rachel.

It was completely realistic to me that Jesse always had trouble concentrating on anyone other than Rachel any time he watched ND perform. Not only is she the most talented member of the group, but he loves her.

Jesse was right in his comment to Rachel - she doesn't need to hear how wrong Finn is for her, because she *should* know that, deep down inside. The scene between the two of them in his office was incredibly poignant.

I'm all in favour of Jesse screwing things up for Finn. ;)

I was thrilled (and relieved) when Jesse and Rachel ran into each other in NYC. They both ended up exactly where they belong, and now that Finn's out of the picture, I truly believe they have a shot at happiness.

A lovely and touching oneshot.
Kasumi Izukawa chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
This is so cute and quiet and sweet. Absolutely adorable. And I love the progression of it, the play with words. Just absolutely amazing.
kezztip chapter 1 . 4/24/2012
I loved your story. So well written and the first story I've read in a while that deals with Season 3 Jesse. Kind of sorry you didn't include Wade more directly in the story because I was laughing at the faces Jesse was making during the Boogie Shoes performance. On that point, I also kind of wish he had showed up at the auditorium when Rachel tweeted that anybody still engaged to her should meet her there, perhaps citing some casual promise they had made while dating. That would make an interesting story.
bouquineuse chapter 1 . 4/24/2012
That was so well written. Your Jesse made my heart ache and my vision blur. A lovely Jesse-centric story. I only wish RIB wrote as well.

I'm glad that Jesse decided to stop wallowing in self-pity/lost love and pursued his dreams. In the end going for your dreams is the best choice and it turned out to be a win/win for him in the end.
Lynne25 chapter 1 . 4/24/2012
Great story.
We're A Two Shot chapter 1 . 4/24/2012
Awwwww. Nobody gives these two a chance. They're cut from the same cloth and seriously on each other's level unlike SOME people they enjoy pairing Rachel with so desperately. Hm, not gonna name any kind of name.

Anyways, this was really all about Jesse and I fucking loved it. You claimed Jesse's brain and my freaking heart. He's a man of appearances but even with that, you wrote his genuine love for Rachel well. I imagine he still loves her and wonders about all the what ifs.

Actually wouldn't mind reading more of these two.
Aviva Aria chapter 1 . 4/24/2012
So romantic and well written
lizzybennettdarcy chapter 1 . 4/24/2012
This story is fantastic. I'd sort of forgotten how much I liked them together. Thanks