Reviews for Everybody Lies, Everybody Dies
timewaster123456789 chapter 1 . 8/1/2018
damn that was really good loved the ending
Ranowa Hikura chapter 1 . 5/6/2012
(I haven't watched this show in years. Just saying.)

Wilson... has... WHAT?


Don'tMessWithAFangirl chapter 1 . 4/29/2012
This was... perfect. The best characterization for these two in a long time, and a perfect plot that's not too sad but not impossible or even improbable. Very well done.
casey26334 chapter 1 . 4/25/2012
Really enjoyed this. Made me depressed, but i loved reading. Great job!
Serpico1986 chapter 1 . 4/24/2012
dear colleague let me say how much I appreciate your story really is very good, you, in my view, is to be congratulated.

however, in speaking of the series in question, I must say I was a bit disappointed. because I always thought that the two end up together.

so, here is my congratulations again, continue writing, after all writing is one of the best things in life

thank you


Ana Mois