Reviews for A Crisis
CrypticCatalyst chapter 1 . 6/22/2015
Second person POV. Impressive.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/21/2012
Awww so sweet! Very funny too.
rosie579 chapter 1 . 8/7/2012
I love how you write them. Their personalities, and not just Harry and Draco, but Blaise too. It's so perfect! So fun to read. Great story, I loved reading it, and the interactions were really fun. You write very well :D
HawthornRose chapter 1 . 6/13/2012
Hahaha! Very good, thought that was pretty funny, kinda cute too. :D Sweet work!
slowpoke15hi5 chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
Yes, yes, yes! Everything about this is win. You've inspired me. I rather want to write a story in second person narrative now; I've never done it before: at least not for fanfiction. Hum...yes, I rather like that idea.

But anyway, back to telling you how wonderful this story was. I really like cute, just getting together stories like this. And I love how Draco had his sexual identity crisis at nineteen because I had mine at twenty and can relate to how that suddenly feels. Poor boy.

I enjoyed how Draco would see something about Blaise that he didn't notice before after he'd admitted to himself he liked boys. It's funny how accurate that is. I never looked at any of my friends in a sexual way before I admitted to myself that I'm pansexual. Then I would look at one of my girlfriends and suddenly a whole new world of fantasy exploded in my mind. Crazy how we can protect our minds like that until they're ready to accept facts.

I think Draco was a little brave in this for a Slytherin but I'm thankful he was. I really like the line at the end about making up for lost time. I can just see the smirk that must have been on his face when he said it.

I also liked the outfit Harry was wearing and the reaction it elicited from Draco.

All in all, great story. Thanks for writing.

Gilaine chapter 1 . 4/24/2012
Strange perspective but worked well. Made me giggle out loud! Perfect length to enjoy reading with a cup of earl grey tea. Wish you the best with your future writings. :)
StarrNight chapter 1 . 4/23/2012
Ahhh! That was a really good story! I greatly enjoyed it.

I especially liked how it actually seemed plausible instead of being one of the myriads of Harry-and-Draco-randomly-jump-in-bed-together stories that populate haha.

Great wording, great descriptions...overall delightful.
ShadowinHedgehog chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
I'm pretty sure this has to be one of the best Drarry fanfics I have ever read. It's just so well written. I loved every part of it and wanted it to never end. 3
Janitajasmin chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
So goood! :) sequel? Maybe?
bellussolitas chapter 1 . 4/18/2012
Loved it, loved it, absolutely LOVED IT!
Slythenclawoman chapter 1 . 4/18/2012
That was utterly lovely, seriously. Great work (sorry for my english!)
HowDracoGotHisGrooveBack chapter 1 . 4/18/2012
Ok, a few things.

First of all, doing a story in second person? Brilliant.

Second, I absolutely LOVED flustered!Draco. "Is everyone in this bloody place gay?" I see where he's coming from, and its hysterical.

And your Blaise? DIBS!

Great job.
Srienia chapter 1 . 4/18/2012
That was so cute. Especially that everybody but Draco self noticed it.