Reviews for The Definite Truth
Arely chapter 36 . 4/20/2019
Hi, I really like your story ... but I see that you have not updated. Will not you have the full story on Wattpad?
Guest chapter 36 . 11/10/2018
Such a shame you never finished this! Really great fanfic!
Zevran-Fenris-Solas chapter 36 . 4/13/2018
this is probably my most favorite fanfic that I have ever read's such a shame you didn't get around to finishing it 3
Lilymoon80 chapter 36 . 8/4/2016
I really hope you complete the story as your writing is brilliant and you just got to the best part! I really really enjoyed reading it
Please update soon ;-;
Guest chapter 36 . 12/30/2015
Keep up the great work! Update soon!
Guest chapter 36 . 2/6/2015
Hottest stuff I've ever read! You are very talented. Fenris is just... wow... Keep up the great work!
Koi-The-Winkinator chapter 36 . 9/9/2014
I have been waiting forever for this update and the Hawke x Fenris scene at the end was soooo worth. I still love this pairing with my entire heart. I hope to see more updates in the near future. I have high hopes for this story. It's amazing. 3.

Secret Companion chapter 36 . 9/7/2014
I wish Alethea wasn't queen. She doesn't seem happy and I wish she could be with zevran because it's obvious how much they love each other. I love that you added that to the mix of all of this. I just hope that she eventually gets to be who's she wants to be rather than the other way around. also the snippets of journals entries and stuff like that is brilliant but you have my really nervous when you say hawke left us in varrics. I really hope she doesn't die. anyways you're an amazing write and I hope you update soon.
Lori Mereel chapter 13 . 9/7/2014
on chapter 13...

you said a little anders this is to much ander! and i love isy but god i couldn't stand that chapter
Silkenslay chapter 36 . 9/5/2014
I loved Varric that counsellor! Of course there is the heat between Fenris and Hawke that keeps me coming back to this story. I am so glad you haven't let it go.
Pint-sized She-Bear chapter 36 . 9/3/2014
:D Thank you Varric!
LostSpace chapter 36 . 9/2/2014
I really hope you finish this, it's interesting. Breaking my heart about the allusion to Hawke's death.
LostSpace chapter 35 . 9/2/2014
Can't wait to see Hawke and Fenris work their issues out - it's been a long time coming.
LostSpace chapter 34 . 9/2/2014
I love how you have included Zevran and Alethea in this story! They make great additions. I worry that Hawke may not have been as clear with Fenris that her life wouldn't be worth living without him either ( assuming this is right). I feel like that sort of emphasis would be important for him to "get" to help him be less willing to give himself up for her - that he is her future.
Bloodyravenheart13 chapter 36 . 9/1/2014
I just wanted to say this update made my day. And no matter you wrote it in segments over time. This chapter was beautiful. It flowed together perfectly. All the characters bled into the story remarkably. To the point where I want to see Zev and the warden finally get to gether and comfront their feelings as much as I want ti see Hawkes and Fenris Duel. Each character reacted just as Id imagin they would in each situation and you can even feel Anders instability.

As for discontinuing this. I pray to the maker you won't. But if you truly are becoming fed up I couldn't be mad at you for quitting. I myself have over 19 unfinished or otherwise cancelled stories on this sight. And not s single one being even half as long as this. I hope you don't give up on this but if in fact you do be proud you got this far. Writing shouldn't feel as much as an obligation as it should be an outlet that makes you happy. So don't push yourself to write what you simply can't write anymore. I hope you go far in whatever you do my friend. Whether it be finishing this story or starting a new chapter in life.

Best of Wishes,
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