Reviews for his smile
Nerd who likes to read chapter 1 . 6/23/2017
There should really be more Charlie bone fanfics. Excellent story!
strawberrymelon chapter 1 . 5/12/2014
Thank you so much for writing this fic, its so cute! I love it, and I really ship these characters!
lilmisswritergal4eva82719511 chapter 1 . 4/18/2012
Admittedly I'm not a Tancred/Emma shipper, but your summary made me curious. And after reading it, even I have to admit that was really, really cute. :)

Though (and this is just me) I've always pictured Tancred as a really happy, jolly person, so it was kind of cool to see someone describe him as the opposite, since you made it believable.

And Olivia - oh, Olivia. Of course you would.

But the last two lines - I don't want to say they made the story, because *every* line in the story worked into wonderfully, but something really stuck out about them.

Anyway, I really liked it, and thought it was super well-done.

- May :)
randommonkeyz998 chapter 1 . 4/15/2012
A www! This is so cute! I'm so glad someone still cares enough to write here! Please write another story!