Reviews for It Started With The Wine
Guest chapter 10 . 11/24/2018
Post the 5! I loved this. Just revisited it this week. Brilliant story. LittleRed 3
Kurisutori618 chapter 10 . 7/21/2018
So I hardly go to this website anymore but this has been one of my favourite mattex stories on .
And I don't remember if I ever commented on this story but I remember favouriting it.

So I'm going to write a long fan appreciative comment letter on a possibly inactive account. So you most likely won't read this but here it goes.

Every now and again I read so much mattex I get selective on what I recognise as what fits in their personalities. So when there is no more mattex stories to read anymore, I always remember five keywords when I think about reading your story, Alex Kingston, matt smith, wine. Bam! I find and read it again.

I think why I liked the story is I like the trope of one person trying to look after their heart because still have intense feelings for the other person but their are consequences of why it needed to remain a fantasy.

But the way Alex's feelings were revealed to matt, is not only sexy, but its also in a vulnerable state of there being, no acting involved. Only Alex's truth and desire of the one they want to have but can't. Because its the wrong time.

And how matt was worried for Alex calling out his name, because he cares for her for it to change to lust because she wants him as he only dreamed about he made her fantasy theirs in a reality. Satisfying a vision they both wanted.

Here's the quotes I liked

Christ he wanted her bad. She looked so beautifully erotic moving to a rhythm that only existed in her mind, filling her with pleasure, imagining him.

Me - do you write erotic poetry on the side wow!

And these bits of quotes (can't copy paste the whole the whole thing XD )

Before she could say anything, or protest, his lips were crushing hers sweetly, hungrily nibbling on her lower lip.
She moaned, but managed to push him away to break the kiss. Breathing heavily. She sat up and he pushed her back down. His chest brushed her, and again she pushed him away. "Matt-" Kiss "Him?" Kiss. "I'm too old for you" " No, you're not"

Me - lol Alex trying her best to resist him and herself to know what's happening in their heads, despite it making them crazy for each other.

"Tell me you don't want me, Alex , tell me and I'll go." He offered, and then he went for her neck. She was beginning to say it, and his hips moved against hers, rubbing his hardness against her crotch, with her wet arousal.

Me - lol there is no other alternate where they could resist each other for only their own imagination when they can have the real thing, its intimate, its more special because its shared.

And of course you gave me angst by separating them, and writing a jealous tango vs off haha. Beautiful written imagery and the matt speeches on the phone call wow you know how to break hearts. :)

Me - I love angst to the core so this was sooo amazing on how passionate they are without sex and are separated. And the scenes that lead up to the sex, I like how you write in story and not rush it into a dumb smutty porn. You made the transitions meaningful and precious. That what separates the well written to the stories with no substance. So thanks for that.

Oo this is nice quote too.

She was definitely one to fall for a guy that could describe what he would do to every curve.

Me - I like this like because it isn't too dirty but so much detail in one word ' curve' :)
And end of chapter 9 was a adorable.

Okay so the final comment in the last unofficial chapter. I'm so happy you are doing your own thing and taking your creativity and doing more with it because you are great.

And I'm so sad the last 5 chapters were never posted. As you can see this story is well loved and its been years but that's understandable as I write stories too but you just lose the muse for it sometimes and we have our lives so yeah. But I will hold on hope you still like the old stories you written as I do and other people.

P.s I still don't know about grammar and narrative writing but that's okay because its about having fun with writing for ourselves first and the choice of sharing it with others anyway.

From a fan.
Uncommonly-Common chapter 10 . 12/5/2017
You should add the rest you have :)
Riversweetiesong chapter 10 . 8/20/2017
Jess chapter 10 . 1/3/2017
Yes yes yes please I want the rest of the chapters this file is fucking fantastic and I want to see how you would have properly ended it
Guest chapter 10 . 8/26/2016
PLEASE post the next 5! I need more!
Jose96 chapter 10 . 7/19/2016
Holla. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give us the remaining chapters!
Sherlockian21629223 chapter 10 . 6/29/2016
Please post them. pleasepleaseplease this is wonderful
Doctor whovion chapter 9 . 12/22/2013
So far it has potential Just be sure to end it well so over all Great Job
Obsessing Fangirl chapter 9 . 8/3/2013
Please hurry up with chapter 10 I'm dying to read it
Obsessing Fangirl chapter 1 . 8/3/2013
Oh I love it soo much and I'm dying for the next chapter !
Guest chapter 9 . 6/4/2013
I'm dying for the next chapter! X
Guest chapter 9 . 5/29/2013
Please hurry up with the next chapter! I don't think I can wait! X
Alex B chapter 9 . 5/26/2013
DEAD. You're amazing!
Guest chapter 9 . 5/26/2013
I love that ending!
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