Reviews for Think of Me
FranArian chapter 1 . 9/6/2016
Sounds to me like future Jack either went back for a visit...or said 'screw the timelines' and pulled Ianto out well before the 456. Niiiice... :}
Maharani Radha chapter 1 . 1/7/2013
I think you just put a tear in my eye...Why did Ianto have to die? Sometimes I want to strangle RTD.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/16/2012
*weeping* ... omg - I just got hooked on Janto-FF again after so many months and here I sit - weeping and sniffing and realising how addictive they are...

... that's some piece of work, dear... I totally got to me and SO ADORE the end... the implication of Jack visiting Ianto on this special day, when he'd finally managed to fix his VM... am I right?

so - I going to look for some serious fluff, otherwise I'll have redrimmed and swollen eyes at the office tomorrow... thanks for sharing this masterpiece - it's really so JANTO...
DanceOfTheEntWives chapter 1 . 7/6/2012
the way i see it, jack went back in time with the doctor and it's the future him who's meeting ianto in the film. now since i really love fix it's, then i'd say he used that meeting to get an imprint of ianto's being and use it to clone him, or something like that...

sorry i'm rambling, though it's a bit your fault! you gave me an open ending...
xXElleGurlXx chapter 1 . 4/23/2012
WHAT? *Pulls hair out*
Y.K.Willstone chapter 1 . 4/15/2012
Can you continue with what the mystery is?
vampirelover29 chapter 1 . 4/14/2012
Lovely story I loved the twist ending I hope you write a sequal explaining it
Sandysan2013 chapter 1 . 4/12/2012
I love how this has started. Will there be more of the mystery?
deemama66 chapter 1 . 4/12/2012
1) I'm sitting here bawling my eye's out see I refused to watch that travesty that was called children of earth. And I refuse to watch it to this day ..and please that joke that was called miracle sh*t ..Ooppss miracle day ..

2) you have a opening for a sequel ...nod's

A possible * fix it * ..think about it ..?

3) am following YOU in case you do ...

( rant) all the trauma and drama ( the fanzine war) could of been taken care of if the idiot ( Davies) savant had plungered his brain and had a cremation and or funeral ..nod's

sure fan's would ranted cried and carried on ..but it would have be a fitting goodbye for Tosh ..Owen. and ianto ..sighs

Rant over
deemama66 chapter 1 . 4/12/2012
1) I'm sitting here bawling my eye's out see I refused to watch that travesty that was called children of earth. And I refuse to watch it to this day ..and please that joke that was called miracle sh*t ..Ooppss miracle day ..

2) you have a opening for a sequel ...nod's

A possible * fix it * ..think about it ..?

3) am following YOU in case you do ...

( rant) all the trauma and drama ( the fanzine war) could of been taken care of if the idiot ( Davies) savant had plungered his brain and had a cremation and or funeral ..nod's

sure fan's would ranted cried and carried on ..but it would have be a fitting goodbye for Tosh ..Owen. and ianto ..sighs

Rant over
ohlookanotherhpfangirl chapter 1 . 4/12/2012
So bloody sad. That was ridiculuously good and you portrayed the characters brilliantly.

Ok, so there is one thing I must know. It was Jack going back in time to say goodbye, right? Because if not then that is just annoying. Please please please write another chapter in which that happens. Please?

Again, beautiful, and I will be awaiting notification of a second chapter :)
Balter chapter 1 . 4/11/2012
Brilliant, I really like how well you captured Ianto, and you had Gwen point it out perfectly. The rant at the end was so purely him. My theory about how Jack was there? Jack from the future goes back to that day to see Ianto again, and he knows to go that day because of the tape. Not sure if that's what you had in mind, but that's what I thought of.
NormalityIsNonexistent chapter 1 . 4/11/2012
That was great, but I wonder what was with the whole Jack appearing. Now, I'm going to curl up in the corner and cry.